Fears And Anxieties – The Cause Of Disease

Rays Of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey - Fears And Anxieties - The Cause Of Disease‘First people sacrifice their health in order to make money and then they spend lots of it to recuperate their health. At all times many are so anxious about the future that they cannot enjoy the present. As a result, they neither live in the now nor in the future, walking through their earthly existence as if they were never going to die. And so, they eventually leave this plane of life without ever having really lived. How sad!’ The Dalai Lama, edited by Aquarius.

As human spirits and souls who are temporarily encased and trapped in physical bodies, we owe it to ourselves to make time available to find out about the spiritual background of our existence and start asking questions like: ‘Who or what am I and what is the true purpose of my being here? When my earthly life is over, what is going to happen to me then?’ For as long as we remain ignorant of these things, there is no way of knowing that each time our physical body comes down with some kind of complaint, our soul is sending us a signal that something is amiss with our life. The only way it can attract our attention is through our physical body, because that’s where it lives. It has no other way of communicating with us and if its signals are ignored for too long, in the end they can do nothing but manifest themselves in the form of all manner of complaints.

To this day, many in our world are living in a state of permanent fear and anxiety, simply because they have not yet discovered that our earthly existence fulfils a higher purpose and unfolds itself against a spiritual background. I am by no means the only one who believes that this is the underlying cause of all humankind’s problems, health related and otherwise. The deep underlying cause of each one is the individual and collective fears and anxieties of our world. They in turn have their origin in not knowing and understanding ourselves, each other, the processes of life, where we have come from, where we are going to and what the future has in store for all of us.

Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance darkness. The Age of Aquarius is the age of knowledge and truth. The deeper we enter into it, the more urgent becomes everyone’s task to learn as much as possible about the above mentioned things. And that has to continue until everybody is in the know and the last traces of darkness of ignorance have gone from our world. But how can we overcome our fears when there is so much in our world to be afraid of? By shedding the light of knowledge onto that which we fear and familiarising ourselves with it. When we thus bravely look our fears in the face, it dawns on us that in truth they always have been nothing but phantoms and imaginings.

I believe that healing bodies is good, but that healing souls is better and of much greater importance. This is because the physical body is the vessel and the vehicle, an outer manifestation of its indwelling spirit and soul. As touched upon earlier, this part of our being is constantly trying to communicate with us through the cells of our physical body. If something is amiss with any aspect of our life, they send signals to their counterpart, our earthly self, in the hope of being heard and acted upon the right way.

If we ignore the signals, for the simple reason that we don’t understand that this is what the symptoms we are feeling are, of necessity the callings have to get ever stronger. When nothing is done about them for too long, in the end the soul has no option but to manifest them as illnesses in our physical body. This is particularly true for cancer, one of our world’s most rampant afflictions. I am convinced that with more understanding of the spiritual background of life in general and illnesses in particular, the right responses to our souls’ warning signals can be made at an early stage. With this cancer will gradually disappear from our world.
But, what is it that makes anything attack and destroy another part of itself or something else? Fear! I believe that this also applies to the cells of our physical body. When one looks at the behaviour of cancerous cells, it is not hard to see that this illness can only be an outer manifestation of unrecognised and suppressed inner fears. How is it possible that cells react in this way? It is because the soul memories of all our lifetimes, not just the present one, are stored in the cells of our physical bodies.

That’s how we are constantly carrying around with us the imprints of the most frightening and traumatic experiences we ever had to endure in the long course of our evolutionary journey. These memories are the shadows of past realities. Although we are unaware of them on the conscious level, our soul most certainly knows each one. They are sitting in our subconscious, waiting to be worked with and released, once and for all. And that’s the only purpose such memories now serve. We bring them with us into each new lifetime, in the hope that one fine day we shall have grown wise enough to work on overcoming them.
The soul is the soft, sensitive, emotional aspect of our being in both genders. The soul or psyche is part of our waterbody and for as long as our earthly self fails to respond to the signals of our soul, for whatever reasons, the fear in the cells of our body finally become too powerful. Not knowing which way to turn any longer, in their desperation they start to attack the healthy cells that are continuously produced by our body to keep it in good condition.

However, its resistance is lowered during extended stressful periods when one crisis after another has to be coped with or maybe unhealthy living patterns begin to show their effects. Under such conditions healthy cells succumb much more easily to attacking ones and, if early signals are ignored or suppressed in some way, the result may be cancer. But even this does not have to mean the end of the road for anyone’s present lifetime. Much new understanding can be found and spiritual progress made by those who are willing to work with their illness rather than giving in to it.

Wise ones do not attempt to suppress their soul’s signals with chemicals but prefer to go in search of alternative natural ways and spiritual healing. Yet, these things can never be an end in themselves. Unless they are supported by the required inner healing work, they will have little or no effect. This requires shedding the deeply ingrained negative and destructive thinking and behaviour patterns we have brought with us from previous lifetimes, because they are the underlying cause of any kind of affliction. Finding a better understanding of life and its processes quite naturally alters our attitude and approach to life and helps us to let go of the false beliefs we are likely to have been holding onto like grim death.

That alone can bring about the true and lasting healing of every aspect of our being we are in this life to seek. No-one can do the work this requires for us and nobody can heal us, except we ourselves. In the process we slowly but surely evolve into a saviour and redeemer of ourselves and our world. This is because on the inner level all life there is no separation between anything. As a result, when one of us heals the whole of humankind and our world are healing with us and all human souls eventually have to make their contribution towards it.

What is opening before us is the healing/healer’s pathway and that requires from us total commitment and dedication to that which is good, right and beautiful in our world, leaving behind everything that is not yet sufficiently highly evolved to be that way. The highest forces of life can only bring this kind of healing to those who are willing to unselfishly serve the highest good and greatest joy of all, thus doing our share of   establishing God’s kingdom on the Earth.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘When Will The Kingdom Come?’
•    ‘Ignorance – The Cause Of All Evil’
•    ‘The Law Of Life’
•    ‘Thought Can Do Anything’
•    ‘The Power Of Thought In Spiritual Healing’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’.
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‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

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