Putting Our World In Order

 Confucius was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher who lived from 551-479 BCE. His teachings and philosophies over the ages have not only deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought and life, but also those of the rest of our world. Many of his words of wisdom are still as meaningful to us and our world, as they were in his time, for example: ‘To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal lives; and to cultivate our personal lives we first have to set our hearts right.’

All spiritual concepts come to our world from the highest levels of life. The same as all other spiritual teachers that from time to time dwelt with us on the earthly plane, Confucius served as a channel through whom more of God’s Divine wisdom and truth were seeded into the consciousness of our race. When people’s understanding has grown sufficiently to be able to grasp the meaning of the messages that are given with the help of our guides and Masters on the higher and highest levels of life, they will gradually be accepted and become common knowledge.

 This has to wait until sufficient numbers of individual souls woken from their spiritual slumbers, the way it is happening now. Another suitable medium is then found, through whom the ancient concepts are to be presented in a fresh format that speaks to and captures the imagination of the many, at that time. This is how publications like ‘A Course in Miracles’ or ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘A New Earth’ by Eckhart Tolle came into being.

To attract the necessary attention they had to be pushed into the limelight, for example by powerful engines like the Oprah Winfrey Show on TV, which enjoys a wide following in the English speaking world. That is how ‘A New Earth’ had become so popular at the time of publishing this part of the jottings that it had made it onto the bestseller list. Astonishing for a book of this nature and an excellent sign of our times! To me, this is clear evidence that a mass awakening is indeed now taking place. For many souls on the Earth plane such books represent the first step on their journey back home into their true nature. Through further discoveries they will in due course be guided to move forwards, a bit more at a time, by their invisible helpers on the higher planes of life. Alleluia!

Thanks be to God and the Angels for making it all possible by providing us with ever more advanced ideas for the rapid technological progress that is one of the hallmarks of the Aquarian Age. The amazing communication tools of TV, computers and the Internet are very much inventions that belong to this age. Remember, Aquarius is one of the Air signs and they are the intellectual and thinking signs of the zodiac. Souls born into one of them, during their present lifetime, are given many opportunities for practising and developing their communication skills.

Because that’s what the Universe wishes all of us to do now, it has placed the tools into everybody’s hands for spreading and broadcasting any new ideas within seconds of finding them to all parts of our world. As always, it is every soul’s own responsibility in what manner and to what purposes it applies all its gifts. Nothing could be a better demonstration than this of what degree of spiritual awareness we have reached at any given moment. And what a heart-warming experience it is when one witnesses that someone no longer uses them for the promotion of their small self, but for the genuine spiritual advancement of our race!

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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

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