The Soul According To Genesis

What Is Soul  – Part Two

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Soul According To Genesis

For a long time the mass of people was taught by some of its sacred texts that soul means a living breathing person and that whenever one of them dies, another soul ceases to exist. With the arrival of the Aquarian Age, it is coming ever clearer that this belief has been an erroneous one which was brought into being by teachings like the following two. The first one is from Genesis 2:7 ‘And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.’ The book of Ezekiel 18:4 added to this: ‘Behold, all souls are Mine. The soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is Mine. The soul who sins will die.’

Everything that happens in our world does so for wise higher reasons and this is no exception. It has been part of God’s great plan of life that during the times of the patriarchy humankind’s knowledge of the spiritual aspects of life should gradually diminish until this, the most essential part of our being, had almost completely vanished from our race’s individual and collective awareness. Teachings like the above ones were given so that for a long time the word ‘soul’ would be interpreted as meaning an earthly human being. This would help us forget that each one of us is a spirit and soul, who is merely temporarily trapped in the world of matter, which as many realise by now, we really are.

As this was all our race could understand in those days, teachings of this nature succeeded in removing us, individually and collectively, ever further from the memory of our origin and roots as children of the One, of God’s true nature and our own. To this day there are many who believe that words like those from Genesis and Ezekiel are the absolute and final truth, as if they had been set in concrete and therefore unchangeable.

In the meantime we fortunately have travelled a long way forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life in the direction of the Age of Aquarius, the age during which God’s sacred wisdom and truth is going to flow every more powerfully into all human hearts who are open and ready to receive it. As a result, since our entry into the new age, the comprehension of the spiritual aspects and background of our earthly existence has been increasing steadily. Once more we are allowed to know that in truth each one of us is a spark of the Divine and an eternal and immortal being of light. This means that there is no death, only transformations into different lifestates. When the vehicle for our present lifetime, the outer physical body dies, our spirit and soul move on into the world of light, our true home, for rest and recuperation.

Some folks love to argue endlessly about things of this nature, unaware that in this kind of argument it is quite possible that both sides are right or wrong and that at the same time. This is because when considered from the spiritual point of view it happens quite frequently that something is right for one and wrong for the other. Everything depends on the developmental stage those participating in the discussion have reached at the time when it takes place. It also happens that, whilst listening to someone who is more highly evolved than we are, if for us the time has come for moving forwards with our spiritual development, some of what the other one is saying does speak to us. In that case the small still voice of our inner guidance shows us through the response we receive from the world of our feelings: ‘This is right, you know. It makes a lot of sense.’ Whenever that is the case, our consciousness accepts the information received; otherwise it remains closed and rejects what is heard or read.

As Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 tells us: ‘To everything, there is a season and a time for every purpose under the Sun: A time to be born and a time to die, and so forth.’ Ecclesiastes is one of the most ancient parts of the Abrahamic religions’ sacred texts. It is part of Christianity’s Old Testament and has its roots in Judaism, which from there penetrate ever deeper into the much older spiritual traditions of the Middle East and Africa, and in particular the Ancient Egyptian religions. This Ecclesiastes teaching originally must have been given to make it easier to grasp why every human being on its evolutionary pathway through many lifetimes has to take part in all aspects of life.

That’s why there is no need to be unduly disturbed when we discover eventually that there has also been a time for trusting and following beliefs that in the end turn out to be false ones, when this awakening has brought us the time for revealing to us and or world the higher esoteric truths that have always been hiding behind the surface words of our earlier belief. This moment has been reached each time someone’s small earthly self stirs from its spiritual slumber state, becomes once more aware of its true nature. We then develop into aspiring healers and lightbringers who are capable of guiding others to their own inner light.

In our attempts at sharing our learning with those around us, we speak our truth quietly and clearly, and then step back and leave people to their own devices. We can do this safe in the knowledge that those who are ready to receive what we have to give will understand, and that to everybody else this will happen later, when the right moment has come for them or rather when their energies are right. This for example is the case when someone’s progressed Moon moves into Scorpio or the eighth house, Scorpio’s natural domain, or Sagittarius and the ninth house.

Under the influence of Scorpio’s energies we may feel drawn to that which is hidden from public view and knowledge, commonly known as the occult. The spiritual background of life and the world of spirit belong to this realm. The veil between that world and ours is thinner than usual for us during such periods, each one of them on average lasts around two and a half years, leaving us plenty of time to explore and discover what they have to offer. The Sagittarian energies rouse our superconscious faculties from their slumber and we may begin to feel attracted to the higher aspects of life through the philosophies and religions of our world.

Each time they encounter resistance against their truth, bearing in mind that usually those who have least grasp of spiritual concepts shout loudest in defence of what they see as their truth, wise ones shrug their shoulders and walk away. Because they know that in everything, not merely in the case of disputes, two people can be confronted with exactly the same things and situations and perceive them in totally different ways, they find it rather childish to fall out with someone over something as trivial as a difference of opinion. Wise ones know instinctively and feel intuitively that it is all right to agree to disagree with people, as soon as a situation has been duly considered from every angle. They then offer to shake hands with their opponents and if they are willing to do the same, re-seal their friendship.

Everything in our present existence is bound to be a matter of personal perception. Because each one of us has taken part in many different earthly lessons in previous lifetimes as well their present one, the understanding of things can vary greatly from one person to another. And that no doubt is the origin of the folk wisdom ‘One person’s meat is another one’s poison’, i.e. some things that are liked and enjoyed by one individual may well be distasteful to another. From this it follows quite naturally that, as mentioned earlier, all participants in any argument can be right and wrong, at the same time.

That’s why, to my mind, there really is no point in quarrelling over anything because with a measure of goodwill any disagreement can be settled peacefully, simply by accepting each other’s views, even though they differ. To keep their peace whenever the possibility of a dispute arises, all I have to do is remind myself of the fact that two people can look at exactly the same things and perceive them in totally different ways. Instead of wasting my time and energy – humankind’s most precious resource on the Earth plane – on futile disputes, I prefer observing and listening to see whether anything useful can be gleaned from those who are arguing and biting each other’s heads off.

Our behaviour in such situations reveals better than anything else which degree of spiritual maturity we have reached. This kind of maturity has everything to do with what types of experiences we have behind us and what we have learned from them, and nothing with how old we are in earthly terms. This reveals itself in nothing more clearly than in our ability and willingness – or otherwise – to agree to disagree with others in times of conflict. As Nietzsche put it: ‘You have your way and I have mine. As for the right, correct and only way, it does not exist.’

My heroes are those who go through their daily lives by following what their inner guidance tells them is right, even though it may not be so for anyone else. As the Buddha pointed out: ‘Conquering our own lower nature is better than winning a thousand battles. That victory is ours to keep in all Eternity and can never be taken from us, neither by Angels nor demons, Heaven or Hell.’

Recommended Reading:
•     ‘Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why?’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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