All Our Needs Are Provided For

I can never stop marvelling at how the Universe, in its infinite wisdom, down to the tiniest details of our lives always provides for every soul’s needs. It is astonishing how it constantly tries to move each one of us forwards and upwards onto higher levels of awareness and understanding through our earthly experiences. Let me illustrate this with an example. Imagine you are a Sun Scorpio – whether you are or are not is irrelevant for this purpose – and you were born, say, into the first degree of this sign. By progression the Sun moves forward one degree per year of our lives. This means that by the time you reach your twenty-ninth birthday and first Saturn Return – most Scorpios live that long – the progressed Sun in your birthchart has moved into Sagittarius. This is the Fire sign of spiritual explorations and adventuring; its symbol is the Archer, the wise centaur who is half horse and half human. If you watch yourself carefully at that time you will notice that your consciousness is changing and that your approach to life is becoming more active and outgoing. For souls who have managed to leave the lower aspects of Scorpio behind, the energies of Sagittarius are then waiting to lift onto higher and highest levels of consciousness.

Happily you soldier along and if you pay attention to what is happening inside you, at age sixty you notice that your consciousness is slowly changing again. You are now moving into Capricorn, the cardinal sign with its high creativity, in which the highest spiritual achievements are possible once for sufficiently evolved souls. For them the time has come for grounding their spiritual aspirations on the Earth plane and attending to the life lesson of the Earth element, which is loving service to the One. In this way the Universe, in the natural course of events, takes every soul born into Scorpio through the three evolutionary phases of their sign, so they can be explored and developed to the fullest. Sufficiently evolved souls willingly follow the guidance of their Highest Self, symbolised by the Sun in the birthchart. Capricorn offers them opportunities for increasingly working as a Dove of Peace on the Earth plane.

Each sign in its own way offers every soul the same chances for growth in wisdom and understanding that expand its consciousness. Before God we are all equals and every soul has the same right to learn exactly the right lessons on this level of life that move it forward in its personal evolution, simultaneous with that of our race, our planet and all life.

To round it all up, in Aries the amazing human soul – and by that I mean each one of us – brings itself into being through the sheer power of its own will, to experience and grow some more. In Scorpio the survival instinct is added to its armoury. In its lowest form this is expressed as survival of the species and also the survival of the fittest. Souls who have reached the necessary evolutionary level this same drive, the power of our own will, takes us back to be reunited with our Source. By the time the soul has reached Scorpio its willpower has increased to such an extent that it is ready to be taught by its Highest Self how to develop the ability to restore and regenerate its whole being, so that when the need arises the soul learns how to bounce back from death’s door by willing itself to do so. By practising this skill the soul builds it into its permanent character make-up.

To guide each soul back to its true nature, eventually the Divine desires of our Highest Self break through into the consciousness of our earthly self. A great yearning stirs in us for happier and holier ways of living and being. We begin to dream of a life that is free from shackles, happy and joyous in a world where all live together in peace and harmony, where sickness and diseases, violence and crime are unknown. We have visions of a world where each to the best of their abilities makes their own contribution towards the welfare of the all, where everybody unselfishly shares everything that the Universe makes available to us.

Such a world can and is meant to become a reality on the Earth plane, but it cannot come about without each one of us making their contribution towards its creation. Our thoughts created our reality. That is why in our thoughts and imagination we first need to create the world of our dreams. By steadfastly and constantly holding onto these thoughts, by not allowing anything to banish them from our consciousness, we are actively helping to create the long promised New Heaven and Earth. This not only raises our own vibrations but also those of our whole world.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Introduction To The Sun Signs’ .
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files – Introduction To The Sun Signs’

Six pointed Star