Getting To Know Each Other And Ourselves

Each one of the twelve signs of the zodiac has a different temperament and the two signs next to each other are usually of a profoundly dissimilar nature. In my view, we could all save ourselves a great deal of heart-ache in our relationships by making ourselves familiar with the inherent qualities and energies of the signs. This is particularly helpful when one wants to find out the compatibility of two people. For instance, if Sagittarian’s potential partners knew beforehand about their loved one’s strong thirst for freedom, many future problems could – one way or another – so easily be avoided. If you were in their shoes, armed with this knowledge you would be able to make a conscious decision whether you are willing to put up with this need for freedom. All will be well if you also have Sagittarius in a prominent position in your chart, for example if your Moon or Ascendant is in this sign, because in that case you too need a lot of freedom. It is true that like attracts like. This is because we are magnetic beings and therefore can only attract in our partners that which we are ourselves.

Becoming aware of the foibles and idiosyncrasies of each other’s signs helps us to become more tolerant, because we then realise that many times the other person cannot help acting the way they do, as their behaviour represents an essential part of the learning process of their current lifetime.

For anyone in search of more self-awareness, getting to know themselves through studying their Sun sign, to my mind, is one of the greatest necessities of life. The negative aspects of each sign are just as important to get to know as the positive ones, possibly even more so. How can we change our weaknesses into strengths, unless we first become aware that there are indeed certain flaws in our character? In any one of the signs, I recommend that you pay particular attention to their negative characteristics. We all love to hear about out positive qualities but shy away from the negative ones. If we are no longer expressing them in our own lives, as often as not we project them onto others, because they are now tucked away somewhere in our subconscious. From there they can cause considerable disturbances and are very difficult to locate and fathom out by ourselves. Although our behaviour could be a constant thorn in the flesh to those around us, we may not even be aware that we ourselves are the cause of many of the problems in our life. You can read more about this when you follow the link ‘Projection’.

Any quality we recognise in others, good, bad or indifferent, is also in us. Whenever you catch yourself thinking: ‘Ah, but I am not that way, thanks be to God!’ Stop kidding yourself and become aware that you are involved in projection. You can read more about this by following the links ‘The Dynamics of Human Relationships’ and ‘Karma in Families’ of the previous chapter. To make the progress that can be achieved potentially by each one of us in the course of our present lifetime, our unpleasant character traces are waiting to be overcome and eradicated by us. This is impossible without first becoming consciously aware that they are there. Astrology can help us find them.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Projection’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Introduction To The Sun Signs’ .
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files – Introduction To The Sun Signs’

Six pointed Star