Time For Dreaming And Meditating

Time For Dreaming & Meditating - Rays of Wisdom - Astrology On The Healing JourneyAs Neptune’s energies are difficult to cope with and handle, they deserve some special attention. With a degree of understanding of the nature of the energies that are at our disposal at any given time, in my view it is possible to get the best out of them all, even Neptune’s. During the fourteen years this planet will take to transit through its own sign, wise ones are likely to want to take as much time out as possible to indulge in and further develop their abilities of dreaming, meditating and travelling in mind and spirit, rather than physically, to their highest potential. 

For these people this period promises to be a wonderfully inspiring one. It is going to be a time during which every human soul will be offered many opportunities for studying and becoming ever more familiar with the mystical and spiritual dimensions of life, and for developing their psychic and mediumistic abilities to the full. Those who have not found their way onto this path may feel drawn towards organisations whose motives are less than honourable. Yet, the disillusionment that sooner or later invariably follows in the wake of such experiences, may help them to discover the guidance and protection of the Christ within, their very own Highest or God Self.

As a matter of fact, until this transit is over, it may turn out extremely difficult for anyone to keep their feet on the ground. The things one tries to undertake during such times that are based purely on the material level of life are likely to lead to disillusionment. But if we are reasonably aware of the fact that we are spirit and soul, encased in matter, there will be many openings for getting in touch with our deepest spirituality and for developing our visionary abilities, under the supervision of our spirit guides and Master.

Only for as long as one is unaware of the true meaning of the influence of Neptune’s energies is one likely to encounter their downside, which is dissatisfaction, disillusionment and depression, as this Neptune transit is also a time for grandiose schemes and plans. Yet, no matter how tempting they may appear initially, it is advisable to pay extra careful attention to the wise one within. If we ignore our inner guidance our plan could wind up like a giant balloon into which someone, at some stage in the proceedings, gleefully sticks a pin. Needless to say, that is not the purpose of Neptune’s influence on us and our world. However, the increased heightened emotional and spiritual sensitivity it brings can make coping with mundane and everyday things surprisingly difficult. We feel more vulnerable and more than ever before we need to create a private space into which we can retreat as much as possible from the hurly-burly of daily life.

During this Neptune transit we need to be extra careful to approach all things, material and spiritual, with great caution and extra vigilance. The Neptunian energies can make people strangely gullible and it is best not to indulge in blind faith in religious views of the world that are new to us. For those who feel deeply disillusioned with their present belief system, a word of caution. There is a very real danger now of getting caught up with dubious religions and/or sects. If one of them promises sure-fire salvation and release from all our troubles, materially and spiritually, we could be getting into deep and murky waters.

When this Neptune transit is over, we may find ourselves just as disillusioned with our new religion and realise that the whole thing was one big mistake. If this is the case for you, take heart. You can be sure that everything  happened for wise reasons, the main one being to protect you from yourself. It is good to make mistakes! How else would we ever master the lessons of each new lifetime? In my view, it is unnecessary to make each one of them ourselves. I have been telling you about the greatest danger of Neptune transits, i.e. becoming a victim of religions predators, because I believe that being foretold can often mean to be forearmed.

The true intention of Neptune’s energies is to bring new understanding and a clearer spiritual vision to humankind that supports us in our daily lives and makes our earthly existence easier to cope with. That’s why, once the planet’s increased influence is over, only practices and beliefs that are based on one’s own deep and innermost spiritual convictions will probably survive under close scrutiny. To avoid falling into spiritual traps of any kind, all human souls eventually have to develop the strength of character that allows them to refuse following others, and instead paying attention to the wisdom and directions of their own inner guidance and light.

Neptune rules large institutions like hospitals and prisons. When people leave such places, frequently far too early and in a weak, frightened and sensitised state, they are badly in need of being cared for and supported by those who genuinely care for them and have their best at heart, not merely pretending to. Yet, all too often, someone who preys on the vulnerable homes in on them. These vultures usually appear under the name of a certain sect and belief system, possibly because they themselves once succumbed to it. Such people can be oh so convincing, particularly if they have not yet shaken off the effect of Neptune’s illusion and really do believe they have found the one and only way to God’s light and truth.

Only souls who developed considerable spiritual strength before they became ill or went into prison are capable of resisting the onslaught of well-aimed proselytising. Obviously, the lure and temptation of this, that and the other belief system is particularly hard to resist when one feels weak, vulnerable and in need of support. True spirituality, however, shows itself in the way someone conducts their own life and not necessarily in the way they talk. Actions always did speak louder than words. Isn’t it strange that true spiritual awareness is so rare, even now? Alas, it is not surprising when one bears in mind the teachings of intolerance and hatred spread by some of the belief systems of our world. It is all too easy for religions of the head to deteriorate into encouraging their followers to bring out the worst, instead of giving of their best in the way a religion of the heart does.

The word religion is a derivative of the Latin religo/religare, meaning ‘to bind’, as for example to bind yourself to the worship of God. To my mind, blind faith is only justified in one and that is our Creator, never entirely in mere human beings. No matter what they may promise, they are human and on the same pathway as we are. It is in the nature of things that we all have our individual lessons to learn. This includes from time to time being led into temptation, for the simple reason that eventually every soul must learn to recognise, resist and rise above it. The more highly evolved we become, the more stringent its tests are going to be. Just about everywhere in our world there is clear evidence that not many can as yet resist the temptation of money and the belief of how much it can buy what, in our present existence, is thought of as power. Those who are still in the clutches of this false belief conveniently overlook that the only true power belongs to God and that it can neither be bought, begged, borrowed nor stolen.

The upside of the Neptunian energies is that they can provide human souls with gifts of great sensitivity and intensity. If we strive to use them wisely, God and the Angels assist us with shedding the light of consciousness into the darkest corners of our own existence and that of all life. If, at the beginning of Neptune’s transit through Pisces, there still was a great deal of darkness and pain within us, by the time the transit is over we shall have exchanged them for the light of a greatly improved comprehension of God’s spiritual wisdom and truth. By transcending the conditions of Earth and reaching out towards our highest realities, an ever deepening understanding of the events of our own and all life is gained.

If we are prepared to open our inner eyes to face ourselves and the world around us with utter honesty, there will be as many chances as we may need for getting to the bottom of any long-standing mess, to sort it out once and for all. This is not a task for the faint-hearted, to be sure. But, with the help of God and the Angels all things are possible and it can be done. Their hands are always reaching out for us, to help us with anything that will bring forth our own strength from within. Getting in touch with our inner centre and re-establishing our direct connection with God and the Universe are all human soul’s most urgent needs. This is a wonderful time for getting to work on this task.

All energies provided by the Universe for God’s children of the Earth are best used not by seeking purely our own advancement, but by focussing on the good of the whole of our world. The energies of all planets in their own signs and houses are ideally suited to making the highest qualities of each sign our own. This kind of assistance is available for the whole of their present lifetime to souls born under the signs in question. The same applies collectively whenever one of the planets moves through its own sign.

As in Neptune’s case this is such a rare event, wise ones rejoice when they are offered opportunities for working with the energies of this nebulous, misty, mystical and mysterious planet. By using its power for the highest good and the greatest joy of all, anyone can benefit greatly by striving to help our whole world to progress, if only a little bit, on the individual and collective evolutionary pathway of everything it contains.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Religion Of The New Age’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’.
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‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

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