Journeying Inwards

The only way of getting in touch with ourselves and our inner world of feelings is in a series of inner journeys. There is no need to be afraid of what we might find. If there is anything we do not like about ourselves, no-one forces us to continue to live with it – quite the opposite! All we need to do is first to acknowledge what is there, and then to make a conscious decision not to want to behave that way any longer. It takes our recognition, goodwill and a firm resolution to change. Then I find it best to ask my Inner Guide for help and guidance, because it is always there for us, waiting to be called upon. When we pray for help, whoever we may be praying to, help will come, one way or another, often in quite subtle disguises. Just make sure never to ask for silly or irresponsible things. If you have no-one to ask whom you trust, then ask the Universe itself, because we its children it will help. It is a good Universe and really does take care of us, whether we are aware of it or not.

Getting into the habit of meditating regularly, we begin to see ourselves with more clarity. There is no need to be afraid of the unpleasant things that surface, if we can remind ourselves that we can change anything, if we wish to. If there are things in our life, we would rather forget about – let’s face it, we all have them, resist the temptation to sweep them under the carpet. It is better, by far, to be totally honest with ourselves and look them straight into the face, making an effort to understand the lessons these experiences came to teach us. Let’s learn our lessons, if only to know that this is not the kind of thing we ever want to do again. There is no need for guilt and shame, just a learning and going forward. This helps us to let go of all fear and negativity and abandon all prejudice and preconceived ideas.

We need to make a conscious decision that, from now onwards, the only people we shall tolerate in our life will be the ones who help us bring forward the highest good within us. If we only allow love and light in our life, our thoughts, words and actions, all negativity will dissolve into this new way of life. Having released the less desirable traits within our psyche, we can now focus and concentrate fully on bringing forth our highest good from within. By doing this with conviction, as well as a healthy dose of believing that it is possible for our unlimited potential to come to full fruition, our weaknesses can gradually transform themselves into strengths.

If an over-strong will and rebelliousness are our Achilles heel, we could be creating many unnecessary problems for ourselves, which can be overcome by attuning our will to the Highest will. When used in that way, our own will can gradually become a useful tool, rather than being a hindrance to us. We can then make it available for the Highest to work through us in our lives. Whatever we find offensive within us, we need to lift from the deepest, innermost recesses of our subconscious into the light of the conscious mind, to be released and resolved once and for all. Regardless of how meek and mild we may appear to be on the surface, the likelihood is that we all have a lot of repressed anger and resentment sitting at the very base of our being that is waiting to be released.

Anger is one of the purest forms of creative energy. It is part of the fiery force that astrologically is symbolised by the planet Mars. This energy in itself it is neither good nor bad. Yet, when its flows through our emotional body in the form of anger and aggression, it can soon turn into a purely destructive force. If it is suppressed by forcing it inwards, given time it can cause serious illnesses. As it operates from the roots of our being and through the subconscious, unless it finds itself other outlets, especially creative ones, it can become extremely self-destructive.

We may not recognise at the conscious level how aggressive we are, never understanding why we push people away, when all we really want is to attract them. Being human, everybody is frequently in danger of doing this. We are creative beings who are equipped with the masculine and feminine creative energy of our Divine parents. The masculine, Fire and Air, needs to express itself through the feminine, Earth and Water, into creative pursuits to remain constructive instead of destructive. So that our creative abilities can unfold to their full potential, we need to strive to seek to serve the highest good of the whole of our society, rather than pursuing selfish desires and fulfilment.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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