The Goddess And Women

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Goddess And WomenKnowing that the feminine aspect of God is the devotional part, it is not hard to see why in past ages in the Christian tradition matters of faith were considered to be mostly the concern of women. Now that both genders are required to bring together, balance and harmonise the feminine and masculine within, it is good to see that many men by now are taking possession of their femininity and are not afraid of showing it to the world. Many are just as happy as women are when it comes to attending to their devotional nature. The outer life reveals what is happening on its inner levels; here it has been happening for everybody for quite some time. We are all involved in this and it does not make any difference whether people are as yet consciously aware this or not.

What strange beliefs we, humankind, have held during past ages! Just imagine yourself in one of your lifetimes around the time of Aristotle, one of the leading Greek philosophers and scientists, Born 384 BC and died 322BC, he was one of the two greatest intellectual figures produced by the Greeks; the other one was Plato. Aristotle surveyed the whole of human knowledge, as it was known in the Mediterranean world in his day. More than any other thinker, he determined the orientation and the content of Western intellectual history. He was the author of a philosophical and scientific system that through the centuries became the support and vehicle for both medieval Christian and Islamic scholastic thought. As a result, until the end of the 17th century, Western culture was based on Aristotle’s teachings. Even after the intellectual revolutions of the centuries that followed, Aristotelian concepts and ideas have remained deeply embedded in Western thinking.

In his time, you would therefore have believed that women had no soul. As the feminine is the devotional aspect, the soul of our world, and hence consciously lived out by women, nothing could have been further from the truth.  But my, how the souls of those grew who came in those lifetimes as women! Can you imagine the soul growth this brought us individually and our world through the suffering inflicted upon women by the arrogance and thoughtlessness, caused by the ignorance of those who came into the same lifetimes to gather their experiences as men? And can you also see how this rate of soul growth was perpetuated through such false beliefs, for example through St. Paul’s teachings? From where we are now, it is not hard to see how they have been carried forward into other traditions, like Judaism, Christianity and Islam, who all grew from the same roots.

Having considered all that, now take the whole thing one step further. Imagine yourself in your next lifetime, after having been a man in the previous one. As likely as not, your soul this time round would have wanted the experiences of a woman. Therefore, you would find yourself at the receiving end of the rotten treatment you once handed out in your previous lifetime. And can you now see for yourself that awareness is the only way to unblock and to put an end to such endless karmic cycles of suffering? No-one can stop the great Karmic wheel from spinning round; however, each one of us can learn to positively influence the way we would like it to turn in future lifetimes. The knowledge about the nature of God and our own, which we are now finding puts the tools into everybody’s own hands for doing their share of bringing about the end of our suffering and that of our world. To achieve this, mere words will not suffice, we have to act upon our knowledge; this alone can bring about the end all suffering in our world.

Why not stay with St. Paul, for a moment? We are told that he lived from 10AD until 67AD. Isn’t it astonishing that it should have taken humankind roughly another two thousand years, until we could grasp the Divine inspiration’s higher meaning of what Paul said in his epistle to the Ephesians chapter 5, verse 22: ‘... Wives submit yourselves to your husbands, as to our Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is as the head of the church, and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be [subject] to their husbands in everything. Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved his church and gave himself for it.’

The masculine creative thinking aspect of God, Fire and Air, is the Divine husband and lover of the Goddess, Earth and Water; she is his wife and lover. I believe that St. Matthew’s chapter 23, verse 30 contains more than a hint that in the New Heaven and Earth we too shall be whole and no longer need look for others to make us so, for example our marriage partners: ‘For at the resurrection of the dead, men neither marry women, nor are women given to men in marriage, but they are [going to be] like the Angels of God in Heaven.’

Who would have understood in those far off days that there would come a time on the Earth plane when, even whilst still dwelling in physicality, we shall be whole again and aware that we all have everything within, namely that in fact each one of us is androgynous? I am convinced that through the wise application of the spiritual knowledge the Great water-bearer of all life is pouring ever more strongly into the consciousness of our world, we shall find the remedy against everything that is amiss in our world.

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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