What Is A Friend?

What Is A Friend? Rays of Wisdom - Words & Prayers For Healing Friendships

A friend is an attitude within you,
A talk you can always continue,
A feeling you have known for a while,
A thought that sparks an inner smile.

A friend is someone you hold dear,
Who may travel far, yet in spirit stays near,
Whose presence sets your soul free
With its love of truth and honesty.

A friend shares your joys and tears,
And helps you overcome your fears,
Accepts your strengths and weakness, too,
Who doesn’t allow anything to dull your friendship’s hue.

A friend walks life’s miles with you
And you share values that are sound and true.
Though your paths sometimes drifts apart,
A true friendship never leaves your heart.

Bruce B. Wilmer
Edited by Aquarius

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The above is part of ‘Words & Prayers For Healing Friendships’
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