Astrology As A Lifehelp

Rays Of Wisdom - The Philosophy Of Stargazer's Astro Files - Astrology As A LifehelpThe supreme law of life is Love and all other laws radiate out from it, one of them is evolution. This makes it easy to see that everything that is in us and our world, the same as all others, is continually moving to fulfil the requirements of these laws. As above, so below! As parents on the Earth plane we would like to provide our offspring, be they of the body or of the mind, with the best possible start in life, in the hope that this will help them to well later in life. Our behaviour on the Earth plane is a reflection of the Divine love that once brought each one of us into being. It is for this reason that we are allowed to make our own mistakes and errors, so that we may learn from them how to do better next time. Our own experiences alone can help us to grow in wisdom and understanding. Through tapping into our inner resources, in the course of many lifetimes we slowly but surely get stronger, more resourceful and resilient.

To familiarise us with the darkest and most fearsome of humankind’s nature, the journey of our spiritual development on the Earth plane first takes us into the depths of the evolutionary spiral of life. To stop us from returning home each time the going gets tough, the wisdom of the Great Mother decreed that souls in their earthly existence should not find out too early who and what they truly are, who brought them into being and what kind of a relationship they us have with this force. The knowledge of our other world, our true home, remained hidden from our view so that each time round we should think to ourselves: ‘I’ll only be here until the moment of my death. Then I’m snuffed out like a candle and nothing will be left of me! Whenever nobody can hear or see me, I can do what I like and let go of my lowest urges and desires.’

When many lifetimes hence we eventually stir from our spiritual slumbers and, unbeknown to us at that time, the bill for the suffering we once spread about so generously is presented to us in the form of traumatic encounters and painful experiences, which we now have to endure. This serves the dual purpose of paying the karmic debts of previous lifetimes and learning about the nature of suffering, and that helps us to evolve into kinder, more loving, tolerant and compassionate beings.

To help us along on the evolutionary pathway of Earth life, the love and wisdom of the Great Mother’s intelligence provided us with precious gifts like numerology and astrology. And it was for wise reasons that for a long time it was kept from us that the twin Divine sciences can be used for unravelling not only the deepest mysteries of the whole of Creation, but also those of our own existence and nature. The knowledge of these things is necessary when we begin to search ways of overcoming our deepest and darkest existential fears, so they can be left behind for good.

More than anything else it is our fear of the unknown that gets in the way of daring to reach out towards a better understanding of ever higher and eventually the highest dimensions of life. This is probably the most difficult aspect of our earthly nature that is waiting to be worked with. If we fail to attend to this task, it will keep on getting in the way of the spiritual progress that is every soul’s birthright by trying to stop us from inviting new people, things and experiences into our lives. We shall return to this theme in the chapter ‘Fear Of The Unknown’.

For the moment may it suffice to say that it is this fear in particular which rises into our conscious awareness whenever we encounter topics of an esoteric nature. As a result of brainwashing by the churches that lasted for centuries, that astrology is something evil that should be avoided by its followers at any cost, it is not hard to see why to this day many people are afraid of it. Fortunately their numbers are decreasing now that it is becoming ever more widely known that astrology in truth is one of the most wonderful instruments for getting to know ourselves whilst at the same time penetrating ever deeper into the mysteries of the Universe. It can be turned into an invaluable friend who provides us with signposts for a better understanding of our predestined pathway through life and pointers for discovering our strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths: 1) Sun in its own sign or house and in the house or sign of its exaltation.
         2) Easy aspects, like the trine, sextile, semi-sextile

Weaknesses: 1) Sun in the sign or house of fall or detriment.
           2) Hard aspects, like conjunctions, oppositions, squares and semi-squares.

Furthermore, astrology can show us in which part of our lives lessons of a particularly painful and traumatic nature have to be coped with. In the right hands it can help us find a better comprehension of the underlying wise purpose of such events. For example in:

‘The Sun And Saturn In Growth Aspect’
‘The Moon And Saturn In Growth Aspect’
‘Venus And Saturn In Growth Aspect’
‘Mars And Saturn In Growth Aspect’
‘Uranus And Saturn In Growth Aspect’

More of these files will follow in due course.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

Six pointed Star