What The Animals Can Teach Us

As we know by now, the world around us is an outer manifestation of the inner life of our race, individually and collectively. It acts like a mirror that constantly reflects its state back to us. Subtly and in many different ways, the Universe has always been trying to guide us and teach us by showing us better ways of living harmoniously with each other and our world. Martin Luther, the Father of the Reformation in Germany who, for the first time in its history, made the Bible accessible to lay people by translating it into German, observed: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ The same applies to all other parts of the world around us. Much new understanding can be found through observing the environment and intuitively interpreting what kind of messages it may contain.

Have you ever observed geese heading south for the winter or when they are returning in spring, flying in their typical ‘V’ formation? If so, did you reflect on why they should be on the wing in this particular manner? Did you marvel at the Great Mother’s wisdom who decreed that geese should fly this way? For those who walk around with their inner eyes open, the animal kingdom in the flight of the geese reveals that working together – flying in formation – can also get human being more easily to where they wish to go.

As each bird flaps its wings, an uplift is created for the bird immediately behind. By flying in ‘V’ formation, the whole flock has at least a seventy-one percent greater flying range than birds flying on their own. The same principle applies to the wise ones who already share a common direction and sense of community. They too can get where they are going more quickly and easily, because they are then travelling on the thrust of each other.

Whenever a goose leaves the formation, it instantly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone, so it quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front. Human beings who have as much sense as a goose stay in formation with those who are headed the same way as they are. When the head goose gets tired, it rotates back in the wing and another goose takes the lead. Taking turns at doing demanding jobs is just as sensible for people as it is for migrating geese. They honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their spirit and their speed. What do we say when someone signals at us from behind?

Last but by no means least, when one of the geese gets sick or is hurt in some way, it falls out of formation. The flock noticing it, two other geese the wounded one to lend help and protection. They stay with the patient until it is able to fly again or until it dies. Only then do they take off on their own either to catch up with their group or seeking to join another formation. Human beings who have as much sense as a goose also stand by each other.

I find it hard to imagine why people think aspects of creation like these ‘just happened’. Surely, only a creative genius could engineer a design like this one.  So, when it comes to the blessing and healing of our world, hand in hand with God and the Angels, let us all fly together in formation, so that much will be achieved with a great deal more ease than any one of us on their own could ever hope for and mountains of faith will indeed be moved.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Universal Guidance From The Environment’
•    ‘The Flight Of The Geese’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
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‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

Six pointed Star