The Bee

The Bee - Guidance from the Universe - Relationship Healing

When bees attract our attention, for example in dreamtime or through an article like this one, they may wish to bring us a message about industry, action and communication. They could have come to remind us of our ability to consciously choose the results we want in our lives. Dream bees also point to the spiritual gifts that come as a byproduct of our industriousness, like a treasure of golden honey. If we are not already sharing them with others, the bees can be an indication that the time has come for doing this. Or maybe it’s just that we need to recognise our inner treasures more clearly.

The symbolism of bees in dreams also brings us the concept of pollination. Upon waking up from such a dream, wise ones ask themselves:

•    What ideas am I pollinating and nurturing in my life?
•    If my attitude is like pollen, what kind of it am I spreading? Do I spread love, peace and joy wherever I go rather than gossip and anger?
•    Where do my thoughts most frequently land? Are they drinking the nectar of the sweetest flowers or do I allow them to linger in the marsh of unproductive thinking?

Bees have intricate modes of communication. Often when we dream of them it’s a sign that there is a need to observe our social networks. In dreamtime bees invite us to take a look at we are communicating effectively with our loved ones and keeping in touch with them.

Turn to the beehive as a source of dream symbolisms of perfect storage, efficient living space and architecture. The hive is symbolic of structure and order, specifically in our homes. A dream of bees within their hive may be a message it’s time to organise our home life better.

‘Go to the wild places and watch the bees visiting the flowers
And the eagles revelling in their glorious flight.
Visit your neighbour’s house and observe a child blinking at the
Firelight, while its mother is busy with her household tasks.
Be like the bees, happy with who and what you are,
And refuse to spend your days admiring the soaring of the eagles.
Be like the child that delights in the firelight
And is not troubled by its mother’s affairs.

‘Become like a bee who gathers the nectar from all the flowers
Within its reach and converts it into honey.
As you move from one experience to another,
Your nectar is the learning they provide for you.
Your innermost being transforms them into the honey
Of wisdom and ever improving understanding of life.
The vision of the wise ones, who patiently and diligently
Apply themselves to their earthly lessons with the persistence
Of the bee attending to its task, in the fullness of time
Will be lifted above the concerns of the Earth.
On the mighty wings of the wisdom and truth of
The Great White Spirit, whose symbol is the white eagle,
They shall lift themselves above the Earth plane to perceive
An ever greater picture of the purpose and meaning of all life.
Those who shirk their earthly lessons and try to run away from them,
Will in due course be granted the gift of another lifetime,
So the can repeat the lessons they had hoped to escape.

‘For a very long time, the bee’s harvest has been
The sweet delight of humankind.
If need be, it can be stored for thousands of years,
Without going off or even deteriorating.
The bee’s gift also has some wonderful healing qualities.
The wisdom and understanding of life you are constantly gaining
Is your yield and has the same healing power as the bee’s.
It is yours to keep forever and after first having healed yourself with it,
When it is shared with those around you, it can do the same for them.
And never forget that when one of you is healing,
Your whole race and Mother Earth herself are recovering, too.

From ‘A Visit From Wisdom or The Guardian Angel’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘The Beauty Of Pollination’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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