Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged!

If you are familiar with the Astro Files, you may recall that the basic approach to life of the Fire and Air signs is masculine, active, positive and outgoing, whereas that of the Water and Earth signs is feminine, passive, receptive and reflective. The energies of our Sun sign, by sign and house position, are clearly reflected in our attitude to and perception of life. But, as always, there is a great deal more to this than meets the eye. The way we perceive this life, ourselves and others, is particularly important in all our dealings with those around us. There are many spiritual pitfalls here and we do well to become aware of and pay attention to them.

It is not for nothing that the Jesus legend warns us in the Sermon of the Mount: ‘Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.’ This is one of the many references to the law of Karma that are hidden in the Bible, to remind us that what we send out into the world must inevitable return to us. As pointed out in the chapter ‘Transforming Weaknesses into Strengths’: ‘Observe life but resist the temptation of judging anyone. We cannot know another’s Karma and the special lessons they have come to learn in their present lifetime and are now struggling with.’ Maybe the following reflections can shed some light onto whether the lady and I are in this life to take part in lessons of very different nature.

Air and Fire yearn to be free; both are very strong in me. Earth and Water want to stay – maybe they are strong in her. Not wanting things to change, those born into the signs that rule them may cling like grim death to things and people alike. They may even consider them to be some kind of possessions, when in truth nothing belongs to any of us on the Earth plane. This explains why for example, earthbound and Earth-loving Taureans would be baffled and maybe even saddened by the longing for freedom of Fire and Air. On the other hand, a Fire/Air sibling is likely to smile in recognition and say: ‘Yes, I know that feeling!’

In similar fashion, intellectual Air may stand helplessly and bewildered before the frequent floods of tears that are a necessity of life for the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of the Water signs. The spiritual Fire of Sagittarius may easily feel trapped in situations and relationships, because it requires the freedom to explore the spiritual realms, hence their reluctance of shouldering responsibilities and shying away from commitments. Take Sagittarius and Aquarius; forward looking signs, the vision of those born into these signs is meant to move us and our world into a better future. In contrast to this Cancer and Capricorn are intended to act as the caretakers of the past and traditions; that’s why they cannot help looking towards that which has been. 

There is no need to be sad or upset about such manifestations in anyone. Experiencing its longing for the release into the freedom of its true nature and home, whilst on the Earth plane, is as important for the Fire and Air signs, as is the deep enjoyment of all good things of the Earth, including relationships and money, that is typical of the Earth signs, especially Taurus. Included in the experiences of these signs are the difficulties of letting go of the things they have relish when the moment of their physical death has come. To deny any of the feelings that accompany these experiences, by pushing them away or pretending that they do not exist, to my mind is foolish.

Can you now see how forcing one’s own perception onto another is not only wrong but impossible? And do you recognise the benefit of at least a basic knowledge of each other’s Sun signs and the elements they are ruled by, and what a long way they can go towards becoming more tolerant and loving towards our earthly siblings and their view? Most important of all, our awareness saves us from sitting in judgement over others. No need for smiling contemptuously, smugly protected by our own ignorance, when someone to us seems slow, stupid or whatever.

Gone for good are the times when we may have congratulated ourselves: ‘How much wiser I am and so much better at handling this life!’ No longer any need for falling out with others, declaring them to be stupid when they find it impossible to see life the way we do, because we can see for ourselves that all they are doing is looking at it through a different window and from another angle. Over the ages, this has brought far too much suffering into our world, when clearly it’s no crime at all, merely what everybody does. Besides, these differences, to my mind, are that which makes human beings so endlessly fascinating. And I can think of no better remedy than astrology to stop them from sometimes also being utterly frustrating and infuriating.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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