Christmas And The Winter Solstice

 Christmas And The Winter Solstice

Part A

Saturn As Father Christmas

Saturn as Father Christmas - Asto Files Special Events - Rays of Wisdom

Spiritually, knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. Our world spent so much time in the darkness of being deprived of spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the source of our being that with the passing of time we became ever more the prisoner of false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices. But now we have reached the Age of Aquarius, the light of the Great Mother’s wisdom and truth is once more flowing with increasing force from the highest levels of life onto the Earth plane into the consciousness of us and our world. Through this the doors of the jail of humankind’s inner darkness are beginning to swing open and that is especially true at Christmas.

Each one of us is potentially a receiver/transmitter station through which the spiritual knowledge and understanding of the Divine are waiting to be poured into us and our world. The influence of this can be felt particularly strongly when the Sun moves through Sagittarius, the fire sign in which humankind’s superconscious faculties are developed and eventually are going to find their finest expressions. In the fullness of time the Sagittarian energies will eventually provide all human souls with a direct line to their Creator. They are a bridge from our earthly human minds into the mind of the Highest. Making contact with the source of our being is easier at the time of year when these energies are at work than at any other moment, because they are then clearer and suffer less from interference. Establishing the connection is by no means intended for a privileged few only. Everybody is invited to take part and if they so wish, nobody is excluded or left out.

 A few days before Christmas the Sun moves from fiery Sagittarius, ruled by jolly and jovial Jupiter, into earthy Capricorn with its planetary ruler, the stern and undeviating Saturn, who with Uranus is also the co-ruler of Aquarius. Now, if I told you that in truth Saturn is the Father Christmas of the Zodiac, would you believe me? In spite of the impressions that are created by Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, the role of Father Christmas does not belong to Jupiter. Its benevolent energies of jollity, bonhomie and goodwill to all merely provide the background to the build-up that leads us into the festive season. As soon as the Sun moves into Capricorn a profound and marked change of energies can be felt.

During the Sun’s transit through Sagittarius, we and our world are presented with fresh opportunities for finding a better understanding of some of the things, especially spiritual ones, that could have been puzzling us in the past. But when the Sun moves away from the warm, fiery and enthusiastic Sagittarian energies into the cold and distant, stern and dour earthy Capricorn ones on the day of the Winter Solstice, things come down to the Earth, sober up and life once again returns to normal.

In the year 2015 the solstice takes place on 22nd December. See whether you can sense how under the influence of Capricorn’s energies life feels as if everything were coming down to Earth with a bit of a bump. Everyday duties take over and a rude awakening awaits many because of their excessive spending under Jupiter’s generous and expansive influence. If you are sensitive to this  kind of thing, you may notice a feeling of being deflated and possibly slightly depressed as if something good had been taken away, which as a matter of fact, it has.

It is not without reason that Christmas falls into the time of the Sun’s transit through Capricorn, whose planetary ruler is Saturn, the undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac whose main job is to initiate God’s children of the Earth into the fine art of self-discipline and self-mastery. The prayers, hopes and aspirations which under the influence of the spiritual fire of Sagittarius rise into the conscious awareness of humankind’s individual and collective soul may have become blown up out of all proportion, under the influence of Saturn’s energies can be grounded. This is necessary if they are to  find practical expressions and manifest themselves in a manner that sustains us through the darkest part of the winter and the densest one of the Earth signs.

In the days of yore, the jollity and merry-making of Christmas were known as Saturnalia. To this day, deep spiritual symbolisms are hidden behind many of the old customs, for example that only children who have been good and who worked hard receive presents from Santa Claus. To deserve Saturn’s gifts, God’s children of the Earth have to toil unceasingly, but when they eventually arrive, they most certainly are worth striving for. They consist of the wisdom and understanding that can only grow in human hearts and souls through learning something from every one of our earthly experiences. The knowledge that is found in this way is our spiritual property and that is the only thing any one of us will ever be allowed to keep and take into eternity. And that most certainly is a present worth striving for.

Saturn stands for the Divine aspect of the stern taskmaster, tough and demanding, which every child of Earth needs. For the wise ones amongst us who willingly attend to their lessons, in the end the loving and caring rewarder part of the Saturnian energies emerge and start to pour their blessings over us and our lives. Alas, human souls thus far have reacted with fear to all contacts with Saturn, but the time has come for shedding all our fears. The only way of doing so is through learning to trust that the basic goodness of life at any given time fulfils all our needs and that the great wisdom and love of our Creator will always provide us with the experiences that are just right for us.

Our Angels, Masters, guides and helpers in the world of light are waiting to be called upon to help us dissolve the spiritual prison that consists of our deepest, darkest and innermost fears which, individually and collectively, are entirely our own doing. The doors of this jail are gradually creaking open for us and our world. It is true that initially contacts with Saturn stir up fear, but this too happened for good and wise reasons. During past lifetimes, these apprehensions protected us against experiences for which we were as yet unready. Now that we are ready and they are waiting to be dissolved, the energies of Capricorn and its ruler, Saturn, can be tapped into to give us the required determination and strength.

The day of the Sun’s entry into Cancer and Capricorn marks the solstices. In Cancer we celebrate the summer solstice and in its polar opposite, Capricorn, the winter solstice. Both events are special times when – for a brief moment – the Sun in the sky above us appears to stand still, although in reality it never does, as throughout the whole of Creation, all is movement and constant changes, and nothing ever stands still. At the time of the solstices especially powerful outpourings of blessing and healing energies flow from the highest levels of life into us and our world and everything that shares it with us. In the build-up to the solstices these energies grow more potent from day to day and they remain as strong for some time afterwards.

For those who are walking the healer’s pathway, great cosmic events of this nature create many wonderful opportunities. One of them is consciously tuning the receiver/transmitter station of our whole being into the frequencies of the Christ Star, the Highest Star and the brightest light in the whole of Creation, so we can be used as channels of light and make our contribution towards the healing of our world and dispersing some more of the darkness that still surrounds us all.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Saturn as the Teacher and Rewarder’

Six pointed Star

Christmas And The Winter Solstice

Part B

 The Christmas Story Thrugh The Ages And Now

The Christmas Story - Astro Files Specal Events - Rays of Wisdom

The Vedic tradition teaches that there is only one truth, referred to as Purush, and but one path to it. Truth here refers to the Supreme Spirit, the Godhead, who throughout the ages has been known by many names, for example Jesus, Christ, Christos, Messiah, Purusha Prajapati in the Vedas and Kalimatullah in the Koran. Each of these figures had to meet the test of the highest and noblest attributes of God, like supreme love, sacrifice, demonstrable power unselfishly applied, purity and so forth. Walking in the footsteps of those mentioned above and bringing forth, the same as they did, our own Christ qualities from deep within our own being and constantly giving of our highest and best, is the only way that can take us back into the oneness with the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life – or whatever other name anyone may wish to call our Creator.

The Christmas story is but one of the many tools that have been used over the ages for the re-telling of the age-old myth of the birth of Christ and the light it brings to us and our world from the highest levels of life. In Cosmic terms the Universal Christ, who spoke to us through the Jesus legend, is this light. Time and again, the myths surrounding the Great Light, Sun of all Suns and light of all lights, giver and sustainer of all lifeforms, have been told throughout the ages. For example, the Bhagavad-Gita tells about the birth of the child Krishna – even the name is not far removed from the word Christ – in the heart of the followers of the Lord Krishna.

In the Western part of our world, long before the appearance of Christianity, the ancient religions – called pagan by the early Christians – honoured the return of the Sun’s light to the Earth, at the time of the winter solstice. The word pagan has its origin in the late Latin ‘paganus. In classical Latin it meant ‘rustic villager and also a non-combatant civilian, non-combatant’. Apparently, the word has also been used as an adjective since the early 15th century. It stood for ‘of the country or a village,’ from pagus ‘country people or province, rural district.’

Pagan in the religious sense is believed by some to derive from conservative rural adherence to the old Gods after the Christianisation of Roman towns and cities. But the word as such predates that period in Church history, and it is more likely derived from the use of ‘paganus’ in Roman military jargon for ‘a civilian or an incompetent soldier. From 1908 modern pantheists and nature-worshippers have been called – or maybe they called themselves – pagans.

Be that as it may, all the legends that ever surrounded the winter solstice have tried to convey the message to humankind that the Sun we see in the sky above us is in truth but a symbolism. It represents the spiritual Sun, the Great White Light of the spirit of the Universal Christ, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother of all life. On the inner level of life each one of us carries a speak of this light. Since the moment of our creation it has been waiting to come alive when the right moment has come. To facilitate the quickening of the Divine spark in human souls, individually and collectively, an especially powerful outpouring of light flows directly from the heart of the Christ Spirit into all life on our planet, around the time of the summer and winter solstices.

The Jesus legend and Christianity have been the Great Mother’s instrument for re-telling the ancient allegory of the birth of the child and the coming of the light that has been promised since time immemorial. The evolutionary progress of us and our world has always been closely guarded, guided and monitored by the Angels, Masters and guides on the inner level of life, who are in charge of it. The closer the Aquarian Age drew and with it the rebirth of our race, the stronger the influence of the changes that are taking place on the inner level have been felt in the outer world. Because of these developments, at a certain evolutionary point it became inevitable that Christmas had to replace the pagan traditions, which were gradually taken over and integrated into the Christian festivities.

As the dates of the solstices are based on astronomical and astrological data and astrology was rejected by the church – officially it still is to this day – a new festival had to be created to replace that of the pagan winter solstice. So that the new celebrations did not look too reminiscent of old ones, the church founders had to find an appropriate day. They eventually decided that the coming of the Light of our world – which they believe was a Master soul by the name of Jesus – should be celebrated on the 25th December.

This not only satisfied the demands of the outer world, the world of appearances, it was also of significance on the inner level of life. The twenty-five is under the influence of the seventh ray, because 2 + 5 = 7. 2 – the Moon, the planetary ruler of Cancer, the sign of the Great Mother of all life, the nurturing and caring principle of life. 5 – Mercury, the fleet-footed and winged messenger who brings the fire of the Gods, the creative ideas of the Highest down to the Earth, for better communications that enable a renewed understanding through the Air sign Gemini. In the teaching and healing sign Virgo, Earth, Mercury conveys healing that comes from an improved grasp of the true purpose and meaning of our earthly existence.

Mercury is a symbolism for the receiver/transmitter station that is our earthly mind with its logical and rational abilities. The seven is ruled by Neptune, the highest love vibration of the Universe that knows nothing of the dense vibrations of the Earth environment, where it is very unhappy. Not to make the taking over of the old celebrations by Christianity too obvious, the slightly fluctuating date of the winter solstices were changed to the constant date of 25th December, several days after the actual event.

The legend of the Christ child came into being during the Age of Pisces, the Water sign of Karma and the soul, co-ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter is also the ruler of Sagittarius and the prayers, hopes and aspirations which under the influence of the spiritual fire of this sign rise into the conscious awareness of the individual and collective soul of humankind have to be grounded and find their practical expression in the darkest part of the winter and the densest ones of the Earth signs, when on the day of the solstice the Sun moves into Capricorn, where Earth is experienced at its densest and heaviest.  

As the centuries marched on, through the joint efforts of the more highly evolved souls who from time to time honoured us by spending another lifetime on the Earth, a golden bridge of light was slowly created. This kind of crossing is necessary for bringing illumination from the highest levels of life to the soul of our world and also to every individual soul within . At all times and especially around Christmas, unseen by earthly eyes, Angels walk over this bridge into all human hearts and souls. Their influence is especially strong whenever someone has a special need and calls for them. Their task is to bring blessings and healing, love, light and comfort to all. This is how, during the two thousand years that have passed since the appearance of the story of the birth of the child in the manger, the bridge has grown increasingly strong and the Christ blessings are reaching us ever more powerfully.

So, let us lift our hearts and souls up to the Sun, knowing that the blessing and healing power of the Great Light is radiating through it into us and our world. Even if the Sun cannot be seen in the sky above us on Christmas Day, it is always there for us, giving of its love and warmth. How wonderful to know that our beloved companion, the Sun, is a physical manifestation of the glory and the power of the Eternal Sun, the Great Light not only of our Universe but also of uncountable numbers of others that to this day are still way beyond the capabilities of our present understanding of the Cosmos.

The same especially powerful outpourings of the Christ energies are flowing into our whole world on other occasions, for example around the time of the Wesak Moon and the Christ Moon, as well as the Summer and Winter Solstices, and the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. No matter whether we live in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, they simultaneously reach and influence all life on our planet equally strongly. The reversal of the seasons in the hemispheres does not make any difference.

Recommended Viewing:
Part 1
•    Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3

Part 2
The ancient Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris reinterpreted and retold in the Jesus legend.

•    ‘The Christian Adoption of Egyptian Iconography, Symbolism And Myth’

Six pointed Star

Christmas And The Winter Solstice

Part C

Christmas Message For The Aquarian Age

Rays of Wisdom - The Astro Files - Special Events - The Freedom Of The Aquarian AgeThere is much talk about the Age of Aquarius and the spiritual freedom it is going to bring to us and our world. However, as co-ruler of Aquarius Saturn, the planet of Karma, guards the gateway to the Aquarian Age. Saturn is a symbolism for the Lords of Karma, who at any given time present us with the Karma we have created for ourselves up to the present. In any given lifetime, but particularly now, time and time again Saturn tests us, often to the limits of our endurance, to see how much progress we are making with mastering our earthly nature and whether we can be trusted to handle the lack of restrictions the new age is bringing us, even now.

Our newly won autonomy mostly consists of no longer having to blindly believe anything, because basically every human soul is eventually entitled to find out the true esoteric meanings that are hidden behind the surface words of all the myths and legends our world has ever known. It is every human spirit and soul’s birthright and highest potential to be taught by and helped to find the truth of everything and that not through any kind of outside forces or institutions and their representatives, but with the help of their own inner guidance that has its origin in the wisdom and truth of the Great Mother. She is the living God within and the love that dwells in all hearts, if at first only in seed form.

And that is the reason why the human heart alone can verify what is true, as it knows the truth and resonates to its sound, and never errs when it comes to telling a truth from a lie. To enable us to recognise the truth when it comes before us, it is necessary to pay attention to that which constantly emerges through the world of our feelings from the very depths of our innermost being into our conscious awareness. Wise ones therefore pay attention whenever they are reading or hearing anything. If something makes sense and they get a deep inner feeling that says: ‘Yes, this is true!’ only then do they accept it and allow it to enter into and take root in their consciousness. This is how they receive their confirmation that the old stories all along have been nothing but tales that served as educational tools.

To their astonishment the wise ones find out that these stories are true after all – just in a different way than formerly believed. For example, the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, really loves us and our world so much that S/He gave us the gift of His/Her Son/Daughter in the form of the love that brought all of us into being and the light that has always sustained and nurtured us. From the very beginning of life on the Earth the Great Light has done this for all lifeforms. At the moment of our creation a spark of this light and Its love has been planted deep in every heart and soul. Jesus as the only begotten Son of the Christian teachings is an allegory of the perfect manifestation of the Universal Christ that is every human soul’s final goal and destination and there is no discrimination against anyone’s race, colour or creed.

This means a soul who is fully and consciously aware of its human and Divine characteristics and has successfully integrated them, so they work together in peace and harmony, the way they do in God. The manifestation of this is the highest potential of all human souls that can manifest itself any time and anywhere. It has never been tied to time, race, location or any particular part of the history of our world. The Jesus legend provided us with an explanation of God’s great love for humankind in the Piscean Age. Now that the Age of Aquarius is with us, we and our world are capable of comprehending the much more glorious esoteric meaning of this myth and the truth that is hidden behind its surface words.

I cannot see any problems arising from this concept even for the most devout Christians. When one embraces the fact that the story of the life of Jesus is a legend and starts to look at the true significance of this myth, it is easy to see that the teachings of the scriptures in truth are much richer than they could ever have been before, as in this way nothing is taken away from them, but only a great deal added. I recommend the reading of ‘The Jesus Mysteries’.

Six pointed Star

Christmas And The Winter Solstice

Part D

Christmas In An Over-Materialistic World

Rays of Wisdom - Stargazer's Astro Files - Special Events - The Winter Solstice And Christmas - Over-Materialistic ChristmasLove is the law of life. It is God’s true nature and our own, and because of this out of all characteristics we most urgently need to develop and express to the highest point of our consciousness is love. Unfortunately, at its lowest level earthly love frequently manifests itself as possessiveness and jealousy that causes a great deal of suffering and pain to all involved. Yet, even such experiences are valuable because they teach us how not to love, and that is the beginning of learning how to love wisely. This shows itself as a willingness to make compromises and handling our relationships with tact and discretion, discrimination and tolerance, not only in our closest circles of family and friends, but also towards other people and eventually our whole race. This reveals to the wise ones in charge of us that we are unfolding in the right way and successfully moving forwards on our evolutionary pathway of mastering the drives and urges of our lower animal nature.

Love has many different ways of showing its presence. Sometimes it is in the form of love for another human being or for life itself in all its beauty. Our own Christ qualities develop when, instead of ostentatiously doing good, we are just a good person, who loves helping others and insists on doing the right and honest things, and doesn’t shy away from them when this turns out to be the more difficult way.  Love can be expressed in thousands of little ways like through loving and welcoming each new day and whatever weather it may bring, or the love we feel for the plants, flowers and little creatures in our garden or when we are out and about in other parts of nature, and each time we show our appreciation for everything that life brings us. Love can also reveal itself in being interested in all the minor things of daily life, as well as the sincere and true love that manifests itself as simple human goodwill, friendliness and kindness to everyone.

All of these things bring us into harmony with the law of life and help us to slowly but surely enter ever more deeply into the radiation of the Great White Light, the spiritual Sun above and beyond the Sun in the sky above us, the Universal Christ. Whenever we love, our soul is quickened by Its radiation and our own inner Christ-consciousness is stimulated through the power of the blessing that then flows into our heart directly from the Christ. As our whole being gradually fills with ever more light and we become at one with the Christ, we evolve into a Christed one in our own right. And that is the message of the Christmas Story for our time.

Regardless of the high degree of materialism that on the outer level has by now attached itself to the Christmas celebrations, it is coming about in quite a natural way that the spirit of this festival is getting an ever more powerful hold on God’s children of the Earth. Wise ones are aware that love has many levels and degrees of expressing itself, which can range from the lowest and crudest type of animal love to the highest and most heavenly kind. And that’s why the Christmas spirit shows itself in so many different ways. All of them are right and none of them are wrong, so the wise ones refrain from condemning any one of them and saying Christmas has become far too commercialised in our world. They have no need to look at it in this manner because they sense and feel that on the innermost level of life the desire to celebrate the true Christ-mass is increasing, although on the Earth plane this is manifesting itself in some strange ways and places.


Recommended Reading:
•    ‘We Three Kings Of Orient Are’
•    ‘Away In A Manger’
•    ‘The Road To Bethlehem’
•    ‘Christmas In Our Time’
•    ‘The Road To Bethlehem’

 Six pointed Star

Christmas And The Winter Solstice

Part E

Christmas Prayer

The Highest Star - Christmas Prayer - Astro Files Special Events - Rays of Wisdom

O Universal Christ, You are the true Christ.
We and our world have been waiting for You,
The Star of all stars, Light of all lights
And the spiritual Sun behind the Sun in the sky above us.
You are the only born Son/Daughter
Of the Great White Spirit, Mother/Father Creator of all life,
Whose children every human being is.
Your infinite love and wisdom always have been
And forever will be with us and our world.

For the blessing and healing of all life,
May Your loving and peaceful energies
Flow ever more freely and strongly
Into every human heart and soul,
And from there into the heart and soul of our world,
All worlds and every being within them.
May each one of us be sanctified with the gift of
Understanding the true meaning of Your role in our lives.

Through this may we and our world
Be renewed and grow ever stronger in hope, faith and trust
That Your eternal promise of the coming of
Another golden and peaceful age of Aquarius
Is at last finding fulfilment on the Earth.
May the Great Mother’s wisdom and love rise
Through Your intervention from the deepest
Innermost core of everybody’s being,
To guide and protect us and show us the way home
Into the oneness with You and all life.

We welcome You,
The living and loving Spirit onto the Earth.


Six pointed Star

Christmas And The Winter Solstice

Part F

The Twelve Holy Nights

Twelve Holy Nights - The Highest Star - Astro Files Special Events - Rays of Wisdom

Meditation And Candle Burning Plan

In the year 2020 the Winter Solstice takes place on the 21st December at 10.03 am Greenwich Meantime. This is the moment when our Sun moves from fiery and easy-going Sagittarius into stern and serious Capricorn, the densest of the Earth signs. The time around this event has always been thought of as a very sacred period, because since time immemorial humankind recognised that the Sun’s warmth and light are the givers and maintainers of all life on the earthly plane. That’s why the return of its increasing strength has always been of the greatest significance.

Nothing in the whole of Creation has ever happened in our world, or anywhere else in the whole of Creation, without the will and wishes of God and the Angels or has ever been beyond their reach. When, inspired by them, Christianity appeared on the scene, the new religion ‘adopted’ this event and it’s good to know that this was only meant to be for a certain developmental period of humankind. In earthly terms, six thousand years of patriarchy with its unnatural all-male religions seems a long time, especially when on considers that – apparently – these belief systems gave the males of our species the ‘God-given’ right of treating the females around them in any way that pleased them. Ah, but wait! So that everybody receives a well balanced earthly education, in some of our lifetimes we take part as men and in others as women. The perfect justice of God’s Universal law of cause and effect or Karma has always seen to it that, if in some of our earthly sojourns we appeared as men and we treated the women around us badly, that’s what happened to us each time we came round as men.

Anyway, in God’s time of Eternity six thousand years of patriarchy are nothing but the blinking of an eyelid. At some stage of it there came a time when the teachings of the pagan religions were temporarily adjusted for the, in those days new religion of Christianity. Its teachings had the legendary Jesus as its figurehead and with this the need arose to make him appear as if he had really taken part in earthly life. Now that the age of truth is with us, ever more are finding out that the God-man is a symbolism for every human being’s higher God or Christ nature and that the tale of his life describes the initiation that every one of us has to go through in the earthly school of life.

The evolutionary plan for humankind and every human being within it decrees that, in the course of many earthly lifetimes, towards the end of that part of our development, each one of us has brought forth their own God or Christ nature, from deep within their own being. That’s how all of us slowly but surely evolve into healers and lightbringers, saviours and redeemers of ourselves, humankind and our whole world.

The twelve is of particular significance for the age of truth, because it represents the Divine Trinity:

1 = the Sun, the first masculine impulse of the creative process, God, the Great Father of all life.
2 = the Moon, its feminine counterpart, the Goddess and Great Mother of all life.
3 = their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ’s light
from which everything in the whole of Creation was created by God and Goddess peacefully and harmoniously working together and responding to each other.

1 + 2 = 3 = Jupiter, the planetary ruler of Sagittarius,
the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties.

12 signs and houses of the zodiac.
12 months of the year.
12 x 2 = 24 hours of our clock
The Jesus tale states that he had 12 disciples
and so forth.

The 21st December 2020 is the day of winter solstice, when each year the Sun’s light returns to our world’s Northern hemisphere. And the twelve nights from and after this event have always been thought of as exceptionally hallowed. This year’s solstice promises to be an extra special one because it’s taking place on the 21.12.2020 = 2+1=3, 1+2=3, 3 x 2 = 6 + 2 + 2 = 28. The energies of this day will be excellent for a new beginning. Besides, this year it falls on a Monday and that is the day of each week that’s ruled by the Moon. The Moon is planetary ruler of Cancer, the sign dedicated to the Universe’s caring and nurturing principle of the Great Mother.

Furthermore, a great conjunction of the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn will be taking place on the solstice day in the first degree of Aquarius, the sign of our time and of truth. Apparently, it’s the best conjunction of these two planets our world has seen in eight hundred years and on the 21.12.2020 they can be observed in our sky spectacularly close together. Saturn and Uranus are the planetary co-rulers of Aquarius. Saturn is the stern and undeviating teacher is a symbolism for these characteristics of our Divine parents, who demand that every one of their children of the Earth, in the fullness of time, practises self-discipline and self-mastery. Without these qualities we shall never be released into exploring the greater freedom of the higher and eventually highest levels of life. Saturn demands that we apply ourselves to any task that comes before us. When we have done this for long enough, Saturn’s role changes from that of teacher into the rewarder. And when its rewards finally arrive, they can be considerable and well worth striving for.

Jupiter is the vast, jovial and benevolent planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. It is also the sign of the storyteller, the show-person and the con-person, who does not allow the truth to interfere with telling a good tale. Saturn in one of its own signs is the hallmark of honesty and truth. In the great conjunction Saturn’s restrictive energies are going to benefit those of Jupiter. The energies of planets in their own sign are more likely to express themselves positively than when they appear in other signs. That’s why the time for finding out the truth and nothing but the truth about the background of the pandemic may at last be right.

The three nights, starting with the one of the winter solstice, are the holiest time of the whole year. It’s also a wonderful for receiving the Angelic hierarchy’s gifts and that’s because the winter solstice is the day when the Sun enters the cardinal Earth sign Capricorn. It is the densest of the Earth signs in which humankind’s highest hopes, dreams and ambitions can find fulfilment, provided we have worked hard enough in previous lifetimes and this one to deserve them.

During the first twelve days of the Sun’s transit through Capricorn, which takes thirty days, an extra strong outpouring of the Christ energies and the Great Mother’s love and wisdom are flowing into our world and everything that takes part in it. For Her beloved human children of the Earth it’s a particularly good time for communicating with the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, and the countless groups of spirit guides and helpers that serve them, as well as us. Therefore:

1)    The three is under the rulership of Jupiter,
the vast benevolent and expansive ruler of Sagittarius,
the bringer of goodwill, hope and faith for all humankind.
That’s why the first three nights are particularly beneficial.
So every night light a candle and tune
the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind
into the frequencies of the Highest levels of life.
Ask your spirit guides and helpers to show you intuitively
what you can do to contribute to the greatest healing miracle
that for quite a while has been in the process of
coming about on the earthly plane.

Hold in your mind the image of Mother Earth.
At the same time, reflect on the fact that on
The inner level of life all is one and that there is
no separation between any manifestation of life
in the whole of Creation that ever
was brought about by our true parents,
the Great Father/Mother of all Life.
Promise yourself that you will do
everything that’s within your means
for the blessing and healing of Mother Earth
and everything she holds in her loving embrace.

2) The following four nights take us forward to night seven.
The four is ruled by Uranus, planetary co-ruler with Saturn of the
fixed Air sign Aquarius, in which humankind’s highest
hopes, dreams and aspiration will eventually come
to fruition and become a reality on the earthly plane.

The Divine evolutionary plan for us and our world decrees that
This will come about in the Aquarian age, the age of truth.
Great Mother’s wisdom and love will then flow
ever more strongly, direct from the highest levels of life
Into all receiver/transmitter stations that are ready
To receive and understand Her gifts.
It’s a good time for quiet contemplations,
reflections and meditations on the purpose
and meaning of our existence.

Every evening, as you light your candle, start with sending
kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to ever human being,
in this world and the spirit realm, and in particular
to our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers.
Direct the Christ stream’s light to them,
to help their Divine spark to become strong enough
to start influencing their earthly personality
in spiritual ways.

3) The remaining five nights are about
grounding the energies received
from the Angelic realm.
The time has come for planning
activities for the new beginning ahead.
When you light your candle, review your life
and consider which areas would benefit from changes.
Invest in yourself by doing all you can to make contribute
to the greatest healing miracle of all times
that for some time by now has been taking place
on the earthly plane of life.
Ask God and the Angels to show you
intuitively how to go about it.

The last of the twelve days is the 2nd January and in the coming year 2021 it falls on a Saturday, the day ruled by Saturn. This reminds us of the importance of self-mastery and self-control that are required from every one of us towards the end of our earthly education. If we want Saturn’s role to change from teacher to rewarder, not only for ourselves but our whole world, these qualities are going to be more urgently required more than ever before in the year that starts tomorrow. To help us along, the day’s date shows that the Great Mother’s love and wisdom have been accompanying us every year and also Her many spirit helpers, our friends. They have always been willing to intuitively show the way to anyone who asks for their help.

What a long way we have come since the Great Mother’s wisdom and love decided the human masculine forces to rule the roost, on their own. It did not take long until the male desire for dominion over the female and its lust for empire building through warmongering, trouble and strife established themselves. This drive kept on growing and, with the passing of time, brought forth ever more sophisticated means of satisfying the masculine urges with the help of robbing and plundering people’s resources and destroying each other.

Well, here we are at last, approx. six thousand years later. Great Mother’s love and wisdom are once more fully with us. The time has come for redeeming the karmic debts that were accumulated in the course of many lifetimes of taking part in the patriarchy’s religions, sometimes on its giving end and on other occasions the receiving one. And because the truth is returning to our world with ever increasing strength, there is a big difference between the twelve days and nights of previous Winter Solstices and Christmases.

In spite of the fact that your calendar is trying to convince you that every new year starts on 1st January, in truth it begins each time the Sun moves in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. The Sun in the sky above our world is one of the many physical manifestations of the Christ Light. When this light pours itself with full strength into our world through the masculine outgoing cardinal signs of Aries and Libra, it creates new growth in two different ways. In Aries the Christ light is the uprushing fountain of life that brings it for the plant life of our natural world. In Libra something similar happens on the inner spiritual plane. Aries is a Fire sign and Libra an Air sign. Cancer and Capricorn are Water and Earth signs respectively. They are feminine passive and receptive cardinal signs. The Sun’s entry into each one of them marks a settling down and maturing, ripening of the seeds of the natural world and of those that have grown in humankind’s inner nature.

And this year, anyone who wishes can take part in something that has really been happening ever since humankind’s first appearance on the earthly plane. There is no longer any need to make do with inventions of religious propaganda machineries that, inspired by God and the Angels for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth, once hijacked the meaning of the winter solstice and presented it as rather a strange tale, of which the religious authorities to this day insist that it is literally too. Not to make this taking-over too obvious, the Christmas date was moved forward and fixed to the 25th December each year. Naturally, this made no difference to the Cosmic dance that the planets of our solar system are constantly performing. The summer and winter Solstice days will always fluctuate slightly every year between the 21st and 22nd.

Updated 21st December 2020

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Greatest Healing Miracle Ever’
•    ‘Be A Miracle Worker’
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘All Conditions Can Be Healed’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘War And Peace Among Nations’
•    ‘Open Letter To The Warmongers Of Our World’
•    ‘All About Saturn’

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Christmas Bells’

Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year to each one of you.

With Love and Light,

Six pointed Star

The Winter Solstice, Christmas And The New Year - Part G

Celebrating The New Year


How Did The Months Get Their Names?

Rays of Wisdom - The Stargazer's Astro Files - Special Events - The Winter Solstice, Christmas And The New YearAs the above image of an Aztec calendar stone suggests, calendars have been with humankind for a very long time. But did you know that celebrating the new year on the 1st January is a relatively new phenomenon? The earliest recording of new year celebration is believed to be from Mesopotamia, ca. 2000 BC, but in those days the new year still occurred around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March. A variety of other dates that are tied to the seasons and the astrological calendar were also used by various other ancient cultures. For the Egyptians, Phoenicians and Persians the new year began with the autumn equinox, and for the Greeks on the day of the winter solstice.

January originally owed its name to the Janus, the God of gates, doors and beginnings, who had two faces, one looking forwards and the other one back. The first month of our year to this day takes its name from this deity. This confirms that our New Year’s celebrations are founded on pagan traditions, as all other festivities of the Christian calendar undoubtedly always have been. The custom among the 7th century pagans of Flanders and the Netherlands was to exchange gifts on New Year’s day. This was a pagan custom deplored by Saint Eligius, who died about 660. He warned the Flemings and Dutchmen: ‘Do not make vetulas, little figures of the Old Woman, little deer or iotticos or set tables for the house-elf at night or exchange New Year gifts or supply superfluous drinks, another Yule custom.’ The quote is from ‘the Vita of Eligius’ that was written by his companion, Ouen.
In 1582, on the instructions of a Pope by the name of Gregory the Roman calendar was adjusted and as a result most Western nations began to celebrate the start of each new year on the first day of January. This new calendar became known as the ‘Gregorian calendar.’ Most countries in Western Europe officially adopted the 1st January as New Year’s Day somewhat before they accepted the Gregorian calendar. England and the American colonies continued to celebrate the new year on the date of the spring equinox in March. It was not until 1752 that they too finally adopted the Gregorian calendar.
Have you ever wondered how the months of the year got their names and would you be surprised to find out that January has not always been the first month of the year? The ancient Romans used a different and more natural, i.e. cosmically aligned calendar system. Their year began in March and ended in February. Even though our modern system is quite different from that of the ancient Romans, they gave us something very important and that is a name for each month of the year. This is how they went about it:
March: In ancient Rome all warfaring ceased during the time of the celebration between the old and new year. When the Sun enters into Aries on the day of the spring equinox, astrologically this is the point of all beginnings that signals the rebirth of all life. In keeping with this, March was the first month of each new year in ancient Rome. Some believe that it was named March after Mars, the planetary ruler of Aries and the Roman God of war. This to me makes a great deal of sense.
April: Three theories exist regarding the origin of April’s name. The first one is that it derived from the Latin word for ‘second’, April being the second month of the ancient calendar. The second one is that the name comes from ‘aperire,’ the Latin word for ‘to open,’ because during this spring month the buds of the plants, flowers and trees are opening. Still others think April could have been named after the goddess Aphrodite.
May: May takes its name from Maia, the Earth Goddess who embodied the concept of growth.
June: This month was a popular one for weddings. The Romans named it after Juno, the queen of the Gods who is also the patroness of marriage and weddings.
July: In 44 BC July was named after Julius Caesar. Before that time it had been called ‘Quintilis,’ Latin for ‘fifth.’
August: Originally this month had been called ‘Sextillia,’ Latin for ‘sixth.’ During the biggest part of this month the Sun moves through Leo, whose planetary ruler is the Sun. Considering himself to be an offspring of the Sun, Augustus Caesar in 8 BC decided this month should be called August, after him.
Although these days we think of September, October, November and December as months 9, 10, 11 and 12, in the ancient Roman calendar they were 7, 8, 9 and 10. And that is how they got their names.
September: September comes from septem, Latin for ‘seven.’
October: October comes from octo, Latin for ‘eight.’
November: November comes from novem, Latin for ‘nine.’
December: December come from decem, Latin for ‘ten.’
February: Around 690 B.C., Numa Pompilius 753–673 BC and reigned 715–673 BC. He was the legendary second king of Rome who succeeded Romulus. This ruler turned a period of celebration at the end of the year into one that lasted a whole month and named it after the festival Februa. This is how February got its name.
January: Later, Pompilius added another month to the beginning of the year and called it January after Janus, the God of beginnings and endings, mentioned earlier.

Recommended Viewing
•    Three videos about the origins of the religions of our world:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

* * *

The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Special Events’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files – Special Events’

Six pointed Star