Unravelling The Mysteries Of Life

To help us do this, especially those of God’s nature and our own, it is necessary to come to terms with the fact that our God is one of duality and that life on the Earth plane is a reflection and an outer physical manifestation of everything that is in God – and therefore also in us. The masculine aspect of the Divine is the power of the Father; its counterpart is the love and wisdom of the Mother. As above, so below; in human beings of both genders this manifests itself as the masculine aspect being conscious in men and working from the subconscious in women, and vice versa.

Couples who wish that a child should be created through them, do well if during their lovemaking they bear in mind that the words of the Master Jesus in St. John 14:10-11 also apply to them: ‘Do you not believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me? The words that I speak I do not speak of myself, but my Father who abides with me does these works. Believe that I am with my Father and my Father is with me, and if not, believe because of the works [He does through me].’

When the consciousness of highly evolved souls has cleansed itself of all selfishness, the need for power struggles between them has vanished from their relationship and they no longer feel like clinging overmuch onto each other or their loved ones. Aware that no power between Heaven and Earth can ever destroy a loving bond that two people have created between them in the course of many lifetimes, they know that the promise that love is forever is not an empty one. So, when for one of them the time for parting from this plane has come, letting go of each other creates no undue suffering and problems for the one left behind.

The coming together of these lovers is an act of worshipful devotion that honours the creative forces of the Universe, in full awareness that they are as much alive in them as in all life. This allows them to offer themselves and a large part of their lives and each other unto life itself as a living sacrifice on the altar of the God of love. The more happily such souls bend their knees before the Highest to reveal their readiness to act as priest and priestess on Its shrine, the more likely it is that their wish will be granted. ‘Thy will, Great Father/Mother of all life, not ours shall be done. If you find us worthy of being granted the gift of a child, it shall be gratefully received in the fullness of time.’

Souls of this calibre appreciate their own wholeness and therefore also respect that of others. Knowing that they already are whole within themselves saves them from seeking to be made so by others. This sets them free for a far more profound experience of merging and blending their inner and outer God and Goddess energies than would otherwise be possible. Their loving union is a demonstration that they are ready to act in full consciousness as co-creators with God by offering themselves as a channel through which a new physical body for a third soul can be created – not by them, but by God. With this the Divine lays the power to transform their earthly lovemaking into a sacred act of worship and devotion into human hands.

All we as earthlings can ever do when we are yearning for any experience is to show our readiness and our willingness to do the work that may be required for us, to bring it about, in the hope that this is setting the wheels in motion. In the meantime, there is nothing for it but waiting and trusting that the wisdom of the Highest will fulfil our desire, so that when we are wishing for a child that a strong and healthy body will be created through us, to be used by someone who is ready in the world of spirit for another lifetime on the Earth plane. There is never any shortage of these. Many are at all times waiting to be allowed the privilege of re-entry into another lifetime’s experiences on the material plane and all we can do is hope and pray that one of them may be destined to honour us with its presence.

In sexual unions of any kind each remains an individual in its own right. But, when two souls are proceeding in the above described manner it enables them to function as one and in full consciousness of their true role as Earth God and Goddess. Aware that they are merely acting as channels and vessels for the creative Universal forces to work through, they then take part in the sacred act of creation with love for each other and for God, with true humility and reverence for the Great Father/Mother of all life, and also for the life they are longing to be given through them.

And so, they go worshipfully down on their knees before the throne of the Highest and request that if their Karma allows it and when conditions and time are right, a new body and a vehicle for an incoming soul and spirit may be created through them. They are aware that every spirit is an eternal seed of God, a son/daughter of God, born from the heart of God, the same as they themselves are. Should their wish be granted, they will appreciate that their child is a gift that does not belong to them and therefore will never be theirs to keep. It is merely coming to them to be taken care of for a predestined time.

Just imagine! God and the Angels are the only ones who know how long ago all this was written into the great book of life, before either one of our lovers ever started to dream of a child of their own. And who knows? Wise old owls that such parents are, they are sure to appreciate that the potential age of the new arrival, their very own little owl, in terms of how many times it may have been recycled for gathering its own experiences in the Earth’s environment, could be far greater than that of both parents together. Now, there’s a humbling thought for you.

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The above is part of ‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’
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‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’

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