What Do Our Children Learn At School?

Rays of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - What Do Our Children Learn At School?

Well, what do they learn?
That two and two make four,
And Paris is the Capital of France,
But where and when are they going to learn
Who and what all of us truly are?
Why don’t we ourselves ask them:
‘Do you know who you are?’
When they say they don’t know, tell them
‘You are a unique marvel – every human being is.
There is no-one in the whole of Creation,
Who is exactly like you or me.

What’s more, during all the millions of years
That have come and gone, since humankind
First appeared on the Earth,
In the long course of its evolution,
And however many more years of this are still to come,
There has never been another being like you and me,
And there never will be.

Humankind eagerly searches for miracles and
Loves to dig deep into all kinds of mysteries.
Why then is it so hard for us to recognise
That we are the greatest mystery of all and
That the physical bodies each one of us is living in
Is one of the greatest wonders of our world?
This means every one of us has been born
Into their own private marvel.
Take a good look at your whole body,
Your arms, hands and fingers, legs, feet and toes.
See how cleverly everything moves and works together?
It’s nothing short of a magnificent work of art and
A masterpiece of engineering.
Isn’t that’s worthy of being called a miracle, my child?

As you grow up, you will sometimes be in danger
Of despairing about the state of our world.
I say: ‘Don’t!’ You are here to do your share
Of making it a better place for all its lifeforms.
Every one of us is allowed freedom of choice
And this includes our behaviour.
Yours, the same as mine and everybody else’s,
Is never accidental, but chosen.
It’s up to us how we react to those around us
And which way we behave, at any given moment.
When everybody knows this and acts on their knowledge,
Their behaviour will always be a conscious choice.
We will then have freed ourselves and our world
From the ignorance of the lifetimes during which,
All of us together, created our world’s present state.

Only a fool would pretend that making the
Necessary changes is going to be an easy task.
It’s difficult because each one of us has
Brought with them into their present lifetime
Thinking and behaviour patterns that were
Developed in the course of many previous ones.
That’s why by now they are so deeply embedded
In our soul memories and consciousness
That shedding them is difficult.
Yet, it can and has to be done, by each one of us.
Rejoice, for you have re-entered earthly life
During the period in which the greatest transformation
And renewal of Mother Earth is taking place.
For quite some time by now, she has been changing from
A predominantly materially oriented place into a spiritual one.
This is becoming ever more visible.

God and the Angels are offering everybody the
Same opportunities for doing their share and contributing
To bringing the whole of humankind and our world
Ever closer to what so far we can only perceive in our dreams:
A world where all live together in peace and harmony,
Where lying and cheating, deception and corruption,
War- and scaremongering, exploitation of any kind are unknown.
Mentally hold onto these images, think about them often and know
Deep down in your heart that you are helping them to
Come about and that one day they will have become a reality
On the earthly plane.

In the inner spiritual background of our world,
Wise ones always have been and forever will be
In charge of humankind’s education.
Individually and collectively, they are allowing
Us the freedom to make our own choice.
This is the only real freedom we earthlings have whenever
We are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.
Whilst there, we are constantly presented with choices.
That’s why, from as early as possible during each lifetime,
Choosing wisely and at the same time striving to be true
To our higher God or Christ nature,
Is of the greatest importance for every one of us.

This is because the Great Father/Mother of all life want us,
Their beloved children of the Earth, to grow ever more Heaven-tall
And, with the passing of time, evolve into ever more beautiful beings.
Every human being’s potential is unlimited and
Has the same right of developing into someone like
Mother Theresa, Saint Joan of Arc,
Shakespeare, Michelangelo or Beethoven.

Each one of us is living in their own physical body
Creates the illusion that we are all separate from each other.
Don’t allow earthly appearances to fool you because
Nothing could be further from the truth.
On the inner spiritual level, all life is one,
There is no separation between anything and
The whole of humankind is one big family.
That’s why whenever we hurt someone,
We hurt everybody, including ourselves.
Knowing that and also that everyone is a miracle and
A unique marvel in its own right, just like you,
Could you ever hurt or harm another?

Life is a precious gift and you have received this lifetime
So that you may learn that we are all on the Earth
For good and wise reasons, and that is
Learning, individually and as a race,
To love wisely, to cherish, help and support each other.
We are all personally responsible for every one of
Our thoughts, words and actions.
The law of course and effect or Karma, in due course,
Return every one of them to us.
All of us are responsible not only for ourselves
But the whole of humankind and the state of our world,
At any given time.

Learning to work together for the highest good and the
Greatest joy of all is the ultimate purpose of every human being’s
Earthly education. All of us are required to contribute to making
Mother Earth into an ever more beautiful and peaceful place
For everything that shares her with us;
A world that at last is worthy of being the home,
If only a temporary one from time to time,
Of the beloved children of the Earth
Of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
And their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.
S/He is the Light of all lights,
And the Sun of all suns, whose warmth and love
Gives and sustains all manifestations of life
Not only on our plane, but throughout the
Whole of Creation.

Pablo Casals
Edited by Aquarius
Updated June 2021 

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‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’

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