The Road From Sinner To Sainthood
Part One
Beloved children of the Earth, love is the law of life for the whole of My Creation. For the duration of the Piscean Age the Jesus legend has served as My teaching aid. From the moment it was brought into being the intention behind it has been to demonstrate to all of you, the qualities of love, compassion and tolerance a Master soul feels and shows towards all those who in some way or another have sinned by transgressing against this law. Each one of you, without exception, was created so that in the fullness of time you will evolve into a spiritual Master soul in your own right. And now that you have entered the Age of Aquarius, ever more of you have become sufficiently evolved to comprehend the esoteric meaning of My wisdom and truth behind the words of the Jesus myth.
Those who have reached the end phase of their earthly education are growing into their predestined role of healers and lightbringers. Potentially, each one of you is a Star and a Sun in its own right, whose light in the fullness of time will shine ever more brightly on the Earth plane. In this way ever more of the darkness of ignorance and not knowing, which to this day abounds there, is gradually absorbed until none of it is left. When you have arrived at this point of your development, you freely and willingly choose to walk in the footsteps of the legendary man from Galilee.
You are a spark of Me and I am your Highest or God Self, your teacher and guide. I am the small still voice of your conscience who has always tried to communicate with you in this way, alas not always successfully. Because for a long time you were unaware of My presence, you frequently found it too uncomfortable to listen to My voice and preferred following the desires of your earthly nature. But once you have woken from your spiritual slumbers, it becomes easier for Me to make Myself known to you and to encourage you to bring forth, from the very core of your being, your own Christ nature, the highest and best that is in you.
This is every human soul’s Divine heritage. But in the beginning of your lifetimes on the Earth it merely exists as a potential and in seed form. For a long time the tiny spark has to wait patiently before it can eventually stir into life. Only when you have become sufficiently evolved, do you know intuitively that your time for taking possession of your inheritance has come. Slowly but surely you begin to integrate ever more of My characteristics and through constantly working with them in your daily encounters, they gradually become your spiritual possession. That is something no-one will ever be able to take away from you and will be well on your way of becoming a spiritual Master.
Your most urgent requirement on this pathway is learning forgiveness that flows in all sincerity from your heart and soul to that of the other one. First you need to forgive yourself for having created the difficult and painful experiences in your life in previous lifetimes. Furthermore you need to forgive everyone who has ever hurt and wounded you, not merely earlier in your present lifetime but also in all previous ones. As soon as you understand the motives that lay behind the things that once plagued and tortured you, your heart quite naturally begins to melt with compassion and love, not only for your own suffering as well as that of your whole race and your world.
The same happens when on a deep inner soul level you grasp that experiencing and living out even the most despicable and atrocious things have been and still are an essential part of the early stages of every human soul’s development that cannot be avoided by anyone. The knowledge of this helps you realise that you too once behaved the way your younger and less evolved siblings in the family of humankind are doing to this day. Never forget that regardless of everything that has ever happened on the Earth plane, My spark has always been present in all human hearts, the same as it is in yours. You can be sure that in due course the Divine seed in every heart will eventually commence to sprout.
From where you are now it may be hard to imagine, but it is nonetheless true that even the most obnoxious characters known to you will evolve and in the end unfold into a bloom of exquisite fragrance and beauty. However many lifetimes on the Earth plane this may require, it unfailingly happens to all human souls. The song of the rose describes this pathway of all human souls to perfection.
Some say love –
It is a river that runs the tender reed,
Some say love –
It is a razor that leaves the soul to bleed,
Some say love –
It is a hunger, an endless aching need.
I say: ‘Love –
It is a flower and we its only seed.’
It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance,
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance,
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give,
And the soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.
When the night has been too lonely,
And the road has been too long,
When you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong,
Just remember in the winter –
Far beneath the bitter snows –
Lies the seed that with the Sun’s love,
In the spring, becomes
The Rose.
Amanda McBroom
The Rose
Astrologically the Moon represents the past and the earthly personality you have developed in the course of all your lifetimes up to now. This is the part of you that tries to hold you back in the past. The Sun stands for Me, your Highest or spirit self, who has always encouraged you to move forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life, as this alone can take you back to your true home and the oneness with Me. Follow the dynamic pull of the Sun.
The Moon by sign and house position reveals where you come from and with what lessons you were primarily occupied with in your previous lifetime. The Sun by sign and house position shows where you are going to, i.e. your life lessons for this one. Try not to hark back to the past unnecessarily, but accept what happened and be thankful for whatever it brought you. After all, it helped you to become the one you are now.