Respecting Each Other's Space

As commonly known, one not respecting the space of the other causes the wars between the members of the families of nations. Are we then, in our private lives, to stand by helplessly when others try to invade and rob us of our precious space and time? Whenever someone forces us into actions to defend ourselves, we have every right to remain firm and to stick to our guns, even though they may, to crown it all, call us intolerant. What use are peaceful negotiations, invitations, and entry permits, if someone has no intention of playing by the rules?

To insist on invading the space and time of others against their will, in my view, is not a way of making friends, but enemies. After all, what the whole thing boils down to is manners and common sense – or rather the lack of both of them. Whenever someone displays these symptoms we do not only have the right to be angry and to say that we are, we also have a duty towards ourselves for expressing our annoyance. The biggest mistake on our present level of existence is not confronting any issues openly, as and when they arise.

Nothing has ever been achieved by constantly sweeping things under carpets, because one fine day when we least expect it, as I  know from first hand experience, such floor coverings have a habit of lifting themselves and exposing to us the mess we have made of our lives. We then have to face up to every one of the unresolved issues that have accumulated. The only thing such self-protective cover-up actions can ever hope to achieve is to produce smouldering resentment inside, each time the person in question is encountered; that more surely than anything else will eventually destroy the relationship, in any case.

Isn’t it better by far to tackle debatable points before they have a chance to grow into festering sores, and cause us unnecessary suffering? We are not saving anyone anything, because a lack of communication will always rebound on all involved and when the inevitable end of relationships affected by this comes, they are then bound to leave it behind deeply wounded and upset.

Whenever we are suffering it is necessary to speak up for ourselves and tell those who trespassed against us. Suffering silently will get us nowhere. None of us are mind-readers as yet and those around us usually have no way of telling what we are going through. There is no need for constant moaning, but there is one for letting others know how we feel. Not only do we owe it to ourselves to actively do something that aims to put an end to our suffering, we also owe it to the offender. In truth, we are doing them a good turn by speaking up, because this places into their own hands the tool, i.e. the choice of stopping to create ever more difficult Karma for themselves, which at some stage will return to them and will have to be made good.

One thing is certain, bottling things up does no-one any good; all that can hope to achieve is creating serious health problems later in life. Unless we speak up for ourselves, the other person may never realise that there is a problem between us. This is unfair to all involved, because we are then not giving others the chance to put things right, even if they wanted to with all their heart. It is better by far for all concerned to take the bull by the horns, stand up and be counted.

Let me give you an example of what can and does happen. Trying to be all things to all people, and a desire to be loved and liked by everybody is a weakness that is frequently the Achilles heel of souls who are spending their present lifetime in Libra. Overcoming this is their most important lesson, as in the course of bending over backwards to accommodate other’s people needs and wishes, we are in danger of neglecting our own. It may take a long time until it dawns on us that it is impossible to be loved by everybody, much as we would like them to.

By showing love and respect for ourselves, our own personal needs and requirements and our space, it is us who have to teach those who cannot love us that at least they must learn to respect us and our wishes. The Universe is constantly testing and trying us to see through our reactions to people and situations how far we have mastered our earthly lessons. We prove that we have by working with any spiritual wisdom we find and putting it to good use in our daily lives, for example by extending the love and respect we are learning for ourselves to others, that’s what spiritual awareness is all about. That is what the Jesus legend means when the Master tells us: ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.’ This statement pre-supposes that we love and respect ourselves.

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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