Looking At The Year 2020

Part One

From ‘The Universal Christ Now Speaks To Us And Our World’

Rays Of Wisdom - Excursions Into Numerology - 2020

What a long way you and your world have already come. Rest assured that there is a great deal more in preparation and all of it, for those who go about it the right way, good. And because every birthday is in truth the end of a year and not its beginning, this also applies when another year of your calendar has come to its end. This means that the New Year 2019 was really the beginning of the year 2020. Let’s take a look at what numerology can reveal about what was then ahead of you. The 2 is ruled by the Moon, the sign of Cancer and the Great Mother, the mothering, caring and nurturing aspect of the Divine Trinity. And for the whole of the year 2019 the Mother has been providing you with the double strength of the civilising, balancing and harmonising influence of Her energies of wisdom and love.

2019 has been a period in which your world was ruled by the master vibration 22 and this is true not only for that year but for the whole of the decade ahead. And because 2 + 2 = 4 and the 4 is under the rulership of Aquarius, it will also be much more strongly under the influence of the energies of the Divine Waterbearer, the astrological symbol of Aquarius. In support of humankind’s efforts, the civilising and peace-loving influence of the feminine wisdom and love energies are going to become more prominent and noticeable in both genders and that throughout the whole of the decade. The strong presence of the Great Mother’s caring and nurturing energies can be tapped into to assist you with improving and healing your relationship first with yourself and then with those around you. From there they can then be directed to flow into the welfare of your planet and all lifeforms that are sharing it with you.

As the year 2020 is the beginning of 2021, the energies available to you for the year ahead are going to be ruled by 2 + 2 +1 = 5. 2 = The Moon, ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac that represents the Great Mother’s love and wisdom. 1 = The Sun, ruler of Leo, representing the Great Father’s will and power. 5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini, the sign of your siblings and the world around you, as well as Virgo, the teaching, healing and harvest sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is the Virgin who holds a sheaf of corn in her arms. The energies of this sign have the power of bringing the spiritual harvest down to the Earth.

In Roman mythology Mercury was the winged messenger of the Gods. He stole their sacred fire, i.e. their wisdom and knowledge and brought it to the Earth to relieve the suffering of humankind and all lifeforms that are sharing your planet. And that’s what Mercury is waiting to help ever more of you to do. His efforts are supported by a double dose of the Mother’s feminine love and wisdom, assisted by the masculine will and power of the Father. Notice how He no longer dominates the earthly scene but has moved quite naturally into the background of what is happening.

Anyone who tunes into the frequencies of the Angels and Me and whose intention is to unselfishly work with our energies for the highest good and the greatest joy of your whole world, together with us wields the power of bringing all of you closer to the promised new golden age that lies within your reach now. Avarice and greed will by then have gone from your world and everybody merely takes what they need. The rest is left for those who are walking behind and that’s why hunger and starvation will no longer be known. Goodwill and peace, harmony and happiness will be the supreme ruler of your world. Sickness and diseases will have been overcome because all those taking part in earthly life have learnt how to heal themselves, those around them and your world, assisted by the healing miracles that could be performed by us through these people.

This is how the cells and atoms of their physical bodies are gradually filling with so much light that this their vehicle for getting around on Mother Earth slowly but surely is becoming more ethereal. The vibrations of everyone who turns to us to request our guidance and protection are speeding up. As their bodies grow lighter and brighter, the same happens to your planet. Bodies that are filled with light no longer need to perish, the way they used to do in times gone by. And that’s how the notion of death and the fear of it with the passing of time will fade away. You know that the Universal laws rule life throughout the whole of Creation and that whatever you send into your world and the rest of the Universe can do nothing but return to you. It enables you to do only that which is good, right and beautiful so that in due course nothing but more of the same can come back. This knowledge will gradually free your race and world from the fear of the future and the unknown.

My beloved children of the Earth, as you will be able to see for yourself by now, there really is no need for being downhearted. So be of good cheer! For as long as you live in hope and with your whole being trust the blessing and healing power of the Angels and Me, everything will be well and in the end work out for the highest good and greatest joy of you and your world. Because of the laws of love and evolution it cannot be any other way.

Six pointed Star

Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Two

The Rebirth Of Humankind’s Christ Nature

 Rays Of Wisdom - Excursions Into Numerology - The Rebirth Of Humankind's Christ NatureI am the voice of the Universal Christ, the Light of all lights and the Sun of all suns. I am the only born Son/Daughter of the Divine Trinity that consists of the Great Father/Mother of all life and Me. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the beginning of the year 2020 on your calendars really is the start of the year 2021. That’s why the energies available to you for the whole of the year ahead are going to be ruled by the numbers 2 + 2 +1 = 5. 2 = The Moon, planetary ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac that represents the Great Mother’s love and wisdom. 1 = The Sun, planetary ruler of Leo, the sign dedicated to the will and power of the Great Father.

5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of Gemini, the sign of your siblings and the world around you, as well as Virgo, the teaching, healing and harvest sign of the zodiac that, among many other things, is dedicated to the development of the human ability for discernment and discrimination. This ability is one of your most essential requirements at this particular time because it helps you to tell the difference between lies and the truth. Virgo’s astrological glyph is the Virgin who holds a sheaf of corn in her arms. This is a symbol that Virgo’s energies have the power of bringing the spiritual harvest down to the Earth. Mercury was the winged messenger of the Gods of antiquity. He stole their fire, i.e. their ideas, and brought them to earthly life to alleviate the suffering of humankind, through teaching their wisdom so they could find ways of healing themselves and those around them. The Fire element is the Source’s way of manifesting its idea in your world through the Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Aries, fire of the head. Leo, fire of the heart. Sagittarius, fire of the spirit.  

This new chapter of ‘Looking At The Year 2020’ came into being in March/April 2020 during the Coronavirus lockdown of the United Kingdom and also of many other countries. Beloved children of the Earth, there really is no need for any one of you to be unduly upset and worried by what is presently happening in your world. As pointed out in the previous chapter, the year 2020 is going to be a period during which major efforts will be made for the healing of your whole world. It will come about as a close co-operation of awakened ones in your world and the Angels and Me in its spiritual background. We are going to be supported by countless groups of spirit friends and helpers who will showing those who are able and willing to receive and follow their intuitively received instructions what kind of contribution they can make.

And that’s the wise higher reason behind what the mass media of your world by now has hyped into an outbreak of mass hysteria that by now has grown to pandemic proportions. Although this is a train that’s being pushed from behind by the vast resources of the pharmaceutical industry, rest assured that their intentions will not succeed. In just a few days large parts of your world will be celebrating the Easter festival. This year it falls very late on the 12th April. To find out why this event each year does not take place on a fixed date like Christmas, please take a look at the relevant link at the end of this part of the Aquarian jottings.

Each year the Easter date is decided by the first Full Moon of the Sun’s transit through Aries, the sign of all beginnings. The celebration of this festival takes place on the first Sunday after this event. Taking place on 8th April, this Full Moon is going to be of particular significance for the healing of your whole world. Every one of them is a time for finding enlightenment, i.e. a better understanding of things that may have been puzzling you for a long time. Watch out for the revelations that will be coming everybody’s way around the time of the forthcoming Full Moon. The date of this year’s Easter reveals that the number 12 is going to be of particular importance. First let’s take a closer look at the Full Moon on 8th April. 8 = Saturn, planetary ruler of Capricorn, the sign in which humankind’s highest achievements have every potential to manifest themselves.

April 4th month. 4 = Uranus, together with Saturn, planetary ruler of the fixed Air sign Aquarius. 8 + 4 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3. 1 = the Sun, planetary ruler of Leo, the Sun’s own sign, dedicated to the Great Father of all life. 2 = the Moon, ruler of Cancer, the nurturing and caring sign of the zodiac, dedicated to the Great Mother. 3 = Jupiter, the vast and expansive benevolent planetary ruler of the mutable Fire sign Sagittarius that’s dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. Its main negative characteristic is gullibility which you learn to harness with the help of the logical, rational and realistic capabilities of humankind’s earthly minds. Gemini, the polar opposite of Sagittarius, is the sign dedicated to their development. When learning how to handle the extreme character manifestations that are present in every two signs that are in polar opposition in the zodiac, you will find their point of balance halfway between them. Aware of this, wise ones always aim for the golden middle way.

Easter taking place on the 12th April strengthens the total beneficial influence that the planetary energies of the number twelve are going to radiate into your world. They will be supporting everybody’s healing work on themselves, those around you and your whole world. Do not allow anybody to stop you from joining them. You have nothing to fear and everything to gain, for the Angels and I are with you, all the way. We shall never leave you. Know that your world consists of two streams of consciousness, a light and a dark one. And each time another one of you makes an effort to feed good, kind and loving thoughts into the positive and constructive stream of life, it expands and becomes more powerful. Every small effort is valuable and counts.

The more of you join this movement, the more the light energies of goodness, kindness and friendliness in your world increases. That enables them to absorb the dark and destructive energies that humankind’s fears and anxieties have for a long time been pumping into the other stream. They have served the purpose for which they came into being and that was keeping you away from experiences for which you were unready. In times gone by this first and foremost included the truth about My nature and your own. Since your world’s entry into the Aquarian age, the need for shedding any kind of ballast that’s stored in the individual and collective memories of your soul that is and keeping you from making the progress on the evolutionary spiral which is rightfully yours. Being no longer of any use and value to you, my beloved children of the Earth, they need to be shed.

Six pointed Star

Continued in part 8 ‘Our World In Transition’
Please follow the link below:

‘The Rebirth Of Humankind's Christ Nature’

Six pointed Star