Awake From Your Slumber

From 'Our World In Transition'

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - The Age of Aquarius

Awake from your slumber,
Arise from your sleep.
A new age is dawning
For all those who weep.

Dan Schutte & Robert J. Batastini

Ever more of you, My beloved children of the Earth, are waking from your spiritual slumber. Increasing numbers of you by now are taking part in experiencing the great light of the Aquarian age. In keeping with My great evolutionary plan for your world, it is the age when honesty and truth will gradually be  re-appearing in your world. You no longer have to make do with false beliefs like Heaven and hell, and that an all-male god-head is ruling the whole of creation, therefore also your world. Strange fear-inducing stories, superstitions  and prejudices were essential parts of this tale. That’s why, with the passing of time, your world could not help deteriorating ever more into a vale of sadness and tears.

To help humankind appreciate the value of honesty and truth, they first had to disappear. That’s how these things turned into necessary teaching aids. Rejoice, dear children, the first part of this lesson lies safely behind you. All of you at presents are experiencing the second part and that’s the re-appearance of honesty and truth in your world. By now, ever more of you have matured into spiritual adulthood and are capable of understanding what’s at stake and that life in the whole of creation,  therefore also on your planet, is subject to My Universal laws. The main one of interest here is the law of cause and effect or Karma. It’s a very simple one;  it decrees that everything that is sent into the Universe anywhere, in due course has to return to its sender.

Every one of you eventually reaches the evolutionary point when your own life has provided you with plenty of evidence that whatever you send into your world, really does return to you like a boomerang. You realise that you are personally responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions. From this time of enlightenment onwards, you are determined that your life should be conducted strictly in keeping with My laws. Therefore, lying and cheating, deception and corruption for selfish gains are no longer for you.

Accepting the responsibility for your thoughts, words and actions means that you are taking the oars of your life’s boat into your own hands and that helps you to fulfil your highest potential of evolving into the master of your own destiny. As soon as your last karmic debts have been redeemed by you, only that which is good, right and beautiful can return to you, because that’s what you – from the moment of your spiritual awakening – will be determined to send into your world.

You now realise that every human being’s earthly existence serves a wise higher evolutionary purpose and this renews your faith and trust in the goodness  of the life that the Angels and I have always given to every human being. Your heart and soul are no longer prisoners who dwells in the dark dungeon of strange beliefs that made little or no sense at all. With every passing day more, you will be enjoying the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian age. It is yours as soon as you have learnt to  follow the advice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, who  communicates with you through your feeling world. This is the only truly reliable and trustworthy voice that tells you, about everything that comes your way, whether it is true or false.

I am the Great Father/Mother of all life and the Universal Christ’ light is our only born Son/Daughter. My light of our sacred wisdom and truth for quite some time  has been flowing into your world with ever increasing strength. Every ray of it has the power of absorbing some more  of your world’s lack of understanding darkness. Its energies are transmuted by us into blessing and healing ones that flow to wherever they are needed, in your world. From there they continue to flow  into the rest of My Creation.  

Nobody will ever wave some kind of a magic wand  to save and redeem any one of you, never mind the whole of humankind. No matter what anyone may tell you, nobody can do this for you because it can only be done by each one of you, for themselves, the whole of humankind and your world. It’s a high and holy task that’s waiting for every one of you. Yet, there’s no need to be afraid. You are not alone in this, you never have been alone. For a long time, the Angels and I have been waiting for ever more of you to call  for our help. Help can only come to those who ask for it and when it arrives for you, do your best to follow our instructions. You will receive them intuitively. And that’s how every one of you, in the fullness of time, is destined to evolve into one of your world’s true saviours and redeemers.

Updated February 2021

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’
•    ‘What Is The Age Of Aquarius?’
•    ‘The Aquarian Revelations’
•    ‘Love : The New World Order’

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