Be Still And Know That I Am God

Rays Of Wisdom - Songs Of Inspiration - Be Still And Know That I Am God

Be still and know that I am God,
Be still and know that I am God,
Be still and know that I am God.

I am the Great Father/Mother that healeth thee,
I am the Great Father/Mother that healeth thee,
I am the Great Father/Mother that healeth thee.

In Thee, O Lord, I put all my trust,
In Thee, O Lord, I put all my trust,
In Thee, O Lord, I put all my trust.

Be still and know that I am the living God within you.
Listen to Me, the small still voice of your conscience,
So I can show you how you can find healing
And also true and everlasting peace.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

Searching everywhere for spiritual Masters is one of the greatest temptations on the spiritual pathway. At the end of this quest lies the discovery that the only truly reliable and trustworthy is alive and well in the hearts and souls of all human beings. This Master is part of us therefore closer than our own hands and feet, waiting to be called upon. Nothing more precious can be found in the whole wide world around us than in our own inner temple. Through approaching its serenity, peace and tranquillity by humbly kneeling before it, the greatest treasure and perfect gift can be found by trusted servants of the Highest forces of life.

Recommended Viewing:
•    ‘Be Still And Know That I Am God’

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