Astrology - Growing And Evolving
Whenever the followers of religions, especially the priesthood, resist the inflow of new inspirational ideas and insights into the nature of God and the Universe, they are doomed. Unhampered by such restrictive practices astrology has evolved and grown with our race as it slowly developed into spiritual maturity and adulthood. How one religion after the other appeared on the stage of this great theatre called life, to reveal a bit more of the truth of God’s nature shall be discussed in a future volume of these jottings, already in preparation.
For the moment, however, let us stay with astrology. Unlike some of the religions of our world today, it does not threaten anything or anyone. In my view, possibly its most important application – certainly for the time being – is help us gain a better understanding of ourselves and our pathway of evolution. The first and most enlightening step towards the spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age is an appreciation that there is such a pathway, and that our whole life does not merely consist of one lifetime, but of many.
If you have read the other parts of these jottings, you are sure to have noticed that to those who are interested in unravelling the mysteries of our origins, and trying to find the meaning and purpose behind this life, astrology has much to offer. Much is happening at present in our world and there are many signs that our collective consciousness is opening up and that a great cleansing and restoring process is taking place in all of us. The renewed interest in many of the ancient arts and sciences are living proof of this. Astrology is very much part of this and so are the many forms of natural healing that are enjoying a great revival.
We are all in this life to develop into seekers of spiritual wisdom and truth. The necessary tools are ready and waiting to be put into everybody’s own hands; many of them are as old as humanity itself and as valuable. All we need to do is take possession of them and get to work with them. For some time, humankind got carried away with the idea that technology could solve all our problems. Now we know that although it removed many, it also created new ones, especially on the spiritual level of life.
Would you agree that humankind, in its enthusiasm and eagerness for new things, is sometimes far too good at pouring the baby out with the bath-water? That is how many things must have got lost in the shuffle. However, the truly valuable ones have stood the test of time – one of them is astrology. Quietly, it has been waiting in the wings to be rediscovered and dusted off in the Aquarian Age, so that new knowledge could be added to that which had stood the test of time.
Nicholas Culpeper 1616-1654, the English physician, herbalist and astrologer, is probably as good an example of this as any. He published an unauthorised translation of the official London Pharmacopoeia in 1649. It was well received by all, except the medical profession. From the foreword to Culpeper’s Herbal comes an explanation that makes a lot of sense: ‘Culpeper lived at a time when astrology was [considered to be] a kind of religion, not as an alternative to religions based on God, but complementary to them ...’
I do not believe that astrology was ever meant to be some kind of a belief system, or a substitute for one. Everything that exists in our world is there to be used by us, for good or evil purposes – the choice is ours. This undoubtedly applies to astrology and that is why in the right hands and when approached with a sufficiently humble heart and mind, it can serve as a key for unlocking the inner mysteries within ourselves and our world, as well as those of the whole of Creation. We shall return to this theme in the chapter ‘Astrology – More Than A Belief System’.
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This article is a chapter from ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’.
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‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’