Knowledge Is Power

The Will Of God

Part B

Rays Of Wisdom - The Astro Files Philosophy - Knowledge Is PowerFor as long as our perception is still glued to the belief that the frequently sad and traumatic realities of our earthly existence is all there is to life, God’s truth and with it the greater picture will remain hidden to us. This also applies to the limited horizons of our world’s religions. ‘Knowledge is power,’ Francis Bacon wrote. How right he was! The spiritual wisdom that for some time has been flowing ever more powerfully into the consciousness of our world gives is given to provide each one of us with the power to set ourselves spiritually free. This remains impossible for as long as we consider that life is a one-off thing.

The knowledge we are finding is meant to act as our liberator from the chains and shackles of the false beliefs and perceptions of the past. It can only do this when our awareness grows that life is a never ending circle, and that each one of us is walking on an evolutionary spiral that constantly winds itself forwards and upwards into the realisation of God’s true nature and our own. When we realise that we are children of God, that the essence of our being is eternal and immortal and that in truth there is no death, merely transformations into different lifestates, we are beginning to fly on the wings of God’s eternal wisdom and truth.

These wings enable us to rise above the concerns of Earth life. The greater picture starts to reveal itself to us with increasing clarity and we recognise the beauty and wonder of God’s great plan of life, in which all of us have their allocated place and role to play. Our grasp of the significance of myths and legends, for example the one of Arachne, the sacred spider of Greek mythology, increases. She is said to have been weaving the marvellous web of life since long before our race first appeared on the Earth and that she will forever continue to construct it in all its majesty and splendour.

The knowledge that is now coming our way ever more strongly is intended to be used for setting ourselves free from the religious slavery of the past. It can do this for anybody whose energies are right for waking up from their spiritual slumber. When we have once more become aware of our true nature, we no longer feel the need to look through a magnifying glass for the flaws in their earthly personalities, not even for people like Ghandi and Hitler. This is because we now appreciate that considering anyone’s character and behaviour for one single lifetime cannot get us anywhere in our search for the signs of their Christ nature. We no longer judge anyone because there is no way of knowing their Karma and why the plan for their life in the great book was designed the way it is for this time round.

To grasp the purpose and meaning of someone’s pathway through life, it is necessary to bear in mind what kind of lessons someone may have had to cope with in past lives that led to the learning of their present lifetime. If we wish to ponder on what the future could be holding in store for them, we need to peer beyond the ends of our noses. That is also what has to be done each time we try to foresee the possible destiny of our race and our whole world, and the role each one of us may be required to play eventually.

Considering the whole of someone’s evolutionary pathway, as well as that of our race and world as a whole, not merely over one single lifetime but countless ones, enables us to find the kind of forgiveness that flows quite naturally from our heart and soul, and that for ourselves and each other that is required from each one of us at the end of our earthly education. But for as long as our inner perception is closed to the higher realities of the spiritual background of life, forgiving in this manner is impossible. With the awakening of our higher nature comes the realisation that pardoning someone for their misdeeds does not mean condoning what they did.

With the awakening of our Christ nature, feelings like love and compassion, tolerance and forgiveness towards all lifeforms come alive in us and we discover that love really does understand all and therefore forgives everything. Whenever we hear or read about humankind’s suffering anywhere in our world, forgiveness for the perpetrators flows quite naturally from our being and we think to ourselves: ‘Forgive them, Great Father/Mother of all life, for they know not what they are doing to themselves.

From our own experiences we learn why the Jesus legend talks about the Master weeping because of his love of humankind. It also happens to us on our road to mastering the earthly plane, as our vibrations become higher and our sensitivity to other people’s feelings increases. From time to time being moved to tears when we witness the suffering and misery human beings to this day are creating for each other is part of the road to Mastership. On such occasions something may stir within to remind us that in previous lifetimes we too did the things they are doing now and we feel an increasing urge to do something to alleviate humankind’s struggle and do as much as we can to bring about its natural end.

Whenever you are feeling this way, don’t overdo things in your eagerness to help. Quietly speak your truth, sow the seeds that are at your disposal, then step back and trust God and the Angels to do the rest. Those who are ready for what you have to give will understand. The others will follow suit when their time for it has come.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
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‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

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