Life Is Like A Mirror

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Comfort And Hope - Life Is Like A Mirror

There are loyal hearts and spirits brave,
And souls who are pure and true.
Like them, give to our world the best you have,
So only more of the same can return to you.
Give love, so that through you it does flow
And returns to give you strength in your hours of need.
Have trust and faith in the basic goodness of life.
Make sure your whole being shows
It with every thought, word and deed.
Meet all life with honesty and truth,
And when this gift returns to you in kind,
When honour with honour does meet,
Greet it with a smile and you will surely find
That even this returns to you as sweet.
Be compassionate with all who weep and mourn,
Help them to enjoy our world again.
The scattered seeds of your love are outborne,
Even though you sometimes think that sowing
Them might have been in vain.
Life acts like a mirror before King and slave.
It reveals to us who and what we truly are in everything we do.
And whenever you give to our world the best you have,
Rest assured that only the best can return to you and
That’s by no means an empty promise.

It happens because God’s justice is perfect,
Because it is based on the
Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law ensures that everything one of us sends
Into our world in thoughts, words and actions,
In due course must return to its sender
In somewhat strengthened form.
 Madeline Bridges
Edited by Aquarius
Updated September 2021 

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The above is part of ‘Words Of Wisdom, Hope & Encouragement’.
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