Symbolisms For Growing Up Humankind

In our search for a better understanding of ourselves and the life we found ourselves in, the symbolisms that were given over the ages to humankind are of great interest. Many cultures present Heaven as God. But that is only true as far as it goes. God is in Heaven only for as long as one considers the abstract world of thoughts and ideas, throughout the whole of Creation and on all levels of life as something apart, another world – somewhere ‘up there’. However, God’s masculine creative energy is contained in Earth and everything that is anywhere in the created world.

This world represents the feminine creative energy, the Goddess. Hence, both women and men are an integral part of the Goddess. Also, the masculine energy of God is alive within each one of us. Though this is changing now, in the past, it has mostly been working on the conscious level in man and from the unconscious in woman; that is the only difference there ever has been between the inside of the genders.  And to this day, the difficult interactions between women and men have been and still are offering everybody splendid opportunities for soul growth. For more understanding of this, you might like to study The Sun in Taurus in the Astro Files.

We never were apart from God – we merely believed that we were. The only thing that could ever keep us away from God was this false belief. It created an illusion of separateness, which only existed in the consciousness of humankind. It was never true in the higher reality of our being. It could not be because there is no life outside God and nothing and no-one can separate anything or anyone from God, including us. Something similar happened to women and men on the Earth plane. They too could only remain at crossed purposes for as long as they lived under the illusion – yes, another one! – that a man is nothing but a man and that a woman represents the feminine only.

At long last, we have reached evolutionary point to become increasingly aware that every human being has both feminine and masculine energies within. Though many still seem to be struggling mightily with this concept, this is also becoming ever more visible in our world, now that both genders are at long last finding their rightful places. And in our peaceful world to come, the genders will live together in perfect harmony and in equal partnerships, in which all are sharing the opportunities that exist for everybody; each will be doing their level best and according to their own abilities. 

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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