Microcosm And Macrocosm

Rays Of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Microcosm And Macrocosm

We are now leaving behind us the Age of Pisces, the age of blind faith, delusions and deceptions and the suffering they created. When the Christ teachings re-presented to our world through the legend of the Master Jesus, some strange beliefs about a creature called the devil became ever more popular. Many believe them to be true to this day. I recently came across a fairly typical one: ‘I believe Satan was the first MAN to step on the Earth. He was an Angel and fell – to be human.’

This kind of thinking and believing was good enough two thousand years ago, because that was all our race could understand in those days, but spiritually we have evolved a great deal since then. That’s why ever more of us are now ready to receive the Divine wisdom and truth directly from the heartmind of the highest forces of life that is the promise of the Aquarian Age. During this evolutionary period ever more of it will be poured into the individual and collective consciousness of our race, to help cleanse ourselves from all false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions. And even though we have not yet entered very deeply into this age, it is astonishing how much fresh knowledge we are constantly receiving.

For example, by now many are aware that our Creator is both Mother and Father to us. The same duality principle that is at the basis of God’s nature and the whole of the created world is also part of everybody’s human character make-up. Although dualities affect every part of everything that is on the Earth plane, in God all is one. The different aspects of Divinity work and function harmoniously together. To enable us to find our way back into the same wholeness that is in God and to be reconciled and one fully one again with God, each one of us has to work on integrating and reconciling the opposing forces within us.

This is the evolutionary state the soul of humankind, individually and collectively, has been striving towards, ever since its creation. Alas, to this day, many are still waiting to wake up to the knowledge of their true identity and origin, to help them understand the true reason for finding themselves in this life and coming to terms with the dualities within them and the world around them. To my mind, it is sheer ignorance that is responsible for most of the problems that to this day are in our world. Each one of them is due to our own character make-up. The world around us is a mirror of what we are on the inner level, and the inner flaws of its participants are constantly reflected in the events of the outer world.

We were created in the image of God and everything that is in God is also in us. Because of God’s dual nature, there also are two parts to our being. On the one hand there is our Highest or God Self, which is all good. On the other, there is our lower or earthly self, its counterpart and polar opposite. When we first descended into matter, our learning is bound to have consisted mostly of behaviour patterns that are now considered to be all evil. In the early days of Christianity – shall we say? – the evil doings brought about by everyone’s own lower nature were explained away as being under the influence of an outside force, the devil. They could therefore not be controlled by us. However, the wisdom that is now coming to us reveals that there is no such thing as the devil – but that there is one part to each one of us which is capable of doing devilish things. What a world of difference!

All problems we and our world ever encountered invariably were a result of following the destructive drives and urges of the lower aspect of our nature. With this knowledge the Universe is laying the power for putting an end to all the suffering that still is in us and our world in everybody’s own hands. To bring our new and peaceful world into being, each must face the task of bringing their own lower character traces under their control. For as far back as history records are available, one part of humankind has always been trying – with more or less success – to dominate and overwhelm others. It is true, we are here to learn how to dominate, but this does not apply to other people but the lower aspects of everybody’s own nature.

We shall be dealing with the devil in more detail in future parts of these jottings. May it suffice for now to say that we are not here to reject or sit in judgement over any part of ourselves, including our lower earthly self – it is a fact that has to be dealt with, by each one of us individually and also collectively. One thing is sure, the results of the drives and urges of this our animal self are not the work of some kind of evil spirit or devil. They never were – they are an integral part of everybody’s own character. Having been created in God’s image means that each one of us is a microcosm of the macrocosm and that everything that is in God is also in us. Because of this, it is worth our while to remind ourselves frequently that:

• Everybody has everything inside.
• Nobody is only good or bad. We all are a mixture of both.
• There is no-one who is either all good or all bad.
• Human behaviour is not compulsory.
• And everybody has a choice which part of themselves they wish to act out, at any given time.

The Universe constantly presents each one of us with choices. The only true freedom any soul in physicality has is the choice of how to act and react in all situations and towards all people. And whether the result of any of our actions is good or bad depends on nothing but the motivation that lies behind them and on the wisdom of the choices we are capable of making. The sooner one learns to consciously act upon this knowledge the better it is for the personal and collective evolution of our race.

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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