The Cosmic Touch

Rays Of Wisdom - Words & Prayers of Comfort & Healing - The Cosmic Touch

Just try to get the Cosmic touch,
The sense that you don’t matter much!
A million stars are in the sky.
A million planets plunge and die.
A million million men are sped.
A million million wait ahead.
Each plays his part and has his day –
What ho! The world’s all right, I say.

Just try to get the chemic view:
A million million lives made you!
In lives a million you will be
Immortal down eternity.
Immortal on this Earth to range
With never death, but ever change.
You always were, and will be aye –
What ho! The world’s all right, I say.

And though it’s written from the start,
Just act your best your little part.
Just be as happy as you can,
And serve your kind, and die – a human being.
Just live the good that in you lies,
And seek no guerdon of the skies.
Just make your Heaven here today –
What ho! The world’s all right, I say.

Robert W. Service

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The above is part of ‘General Words & Prayers Of Comfort & Healing’.
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