Love And Wisdom

Rays Of Wisdom - The Philosophy Of Stargazer's Astro Files - Love and WisdomLove is the supreme law of the Universe, from which all other laws radiate out. We were created from love and all of us are here to learn how to love wisely, the way the Great Father/Mother of all life loves us. This is the kind of love that knows when withholding is better than giving. Our prime task on the Earth plane is finding people and things to whom we can give our love and who will return it to us. We are magnetic beings and because of this we can only attract into our lives that which we ourselves are, on the outer as well as the inner level.

That’s why people of a different calibre than those who are already accompanying us can only be drawn into our orbit by altering the vibrations of our own character and through this changing the emanations we send out into our world. It is impossible to achieve this through merely changing our name, because on the inner level this does not alter who and what we are. The only thing that can do this for us is a change of attitude towards life and people that is caused by our new thinking and behaviour patterns.

From time to time all of us require new human encounters that can provide us with fresh consciousness expanding experiences. This alone can bring us the spiritual growth and ever increasing understanding of the higher and highest aspects of life, which we are on the Earth plane to seek. First and foremost however we are here so that we may grow in wisdom and understanding, but a heart that is filled with love is not enough in itself. We also need to strive for poise, inner strength and above all wisdom. Wisdom alone knows that sometimes it is kinder to withhold things, in particular spiritual knowledge, from others than sharing too much of it with them. Whereas uninitiated ones may withhold something for selfish reasons, wise ones do so with good and positive motives.

Wisdom and love are the realm of the Great Mother of all life. Wisdom goes hand in hand with love. Love is wisdom and wisdom is love. Without love there can be no wisdom. Although wise ones do not want to deny others access to their gifts, they wish to hand them over in the right manner. Their inner wisdom tells them that sometimes it is better not to give too much. For example they may withhold some of the wisdom they gained from their life’s experiences in order to allow the other person to make their own mistakes and learn from them. Spiritual knowledge they may hold back because they sense, with the help of their inner guidance, that the soul before them is as yet unready for what they have to give. A wise one rests safely in the knowledge that God and the Angels will see to it that the younger and less experienced soul will also understand when their time for doing so has come.

When someone has personally been involved in tragic events or something of this nature has happened to the folks around them, this person – the same as those directly affected – is likely to struggle with coming to terms with the seemingly senseless loss of life that so frequently has to be endured in earthly life. Sufficiently evolved souls eventually find comfort in the realisation that the whole thing was part of God’s perfect plan of life, in which nothing happens perchance or by coincidence. Their inner wisdom in due course consoles them with the knowledge that such earthly happenings, with all the suffering and sadness they bring, have always presented some kind of karmic redemptions for events that were once – and that could have been many lifetimes ago – caused by the vibrations those involved sent out into our world.

Our friends and helpers in the world of light are an essential part of the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. These companions will never do things for us when we reach out for their helping hands. They are merely there to encourage, support and coax us along the highways and byways of life. At all times they are ready and willing to assist us by supplying us with renewed courage and strength, hope and trust that enable us to do for ourselves, so that in the end the achievement is fully our own and not theirs.

The following is the essence of an ‘Anniversary Message’ from the White Eagle group of guides in Stella Polaris February/March 2016: ‘Never think you are unknown to us. We know each one of you individually and are prepared to give you all the help in your life that is truly needed. And the way you need us, we also need you. Our work on the outer material plane could not be as effective without your loving co-operation. Our role is to give you spiritual sustenance, but our work in your world depends upon you being prepared to give of your light, i.e. your higher knowing and understanding. We want all our beloved family on the Earth plane to know that we are constantly with each one of you in spirit. We are by your side and our only concern is your spiritual growth and expansion of life. No-one will ever be overlooked, because the thread of spiritual contact that exists between us and every one of you on the Earth plane never breaks.’

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Saturn As The Teacher And Rewarder’
•    ‘Saturn – Gatekeeper Of The New Age’
•    ‘The Labours Of Hercules – The Eleventh Labour’
•    ‘A Rose By Any Other Name’

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

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