God's Will Is Known Within

The Will Of God - Part C

Rays of Wisdom - The Philosophy Behind Stargazer's Astro Files - God's Will Is Known Within Symbols and metaphors are the language of the spirit. From the earliest beginnings of humankind’s existence on the Earth, the highest levels of life have been using them to convey its ideas, thoughts and truths to us. At the start of our earthly education we are still unable to recognise them for what they truly are and understand their meaning. But as we  progress on the evolutionary pathway, the gift of interpreting these signals gradually comes to us. From within our own being it unfolds our spiritual perception and vision and provides us with ever clearer vision and clairvoyance. True clairvoyance is the comprehension of the esoteric meaning of symbols and of the truth that can be found behind all aspects of earthly life.

In the course of the Aquarian Age ever more of us are going to develop the gift of recognising the esoteric meaning of the symbolisms that for such a long time had to remain hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends of our world. This applies to every one of the religions and belief systems that ever existed and therefore also to the Jesus legend. And like everything that has ever happened in earthly life and continues to do so to this day, the tale of the Master’s life was given by the Angels and Masters in charge of our world for wise educational purposes and by the will of God. It was with full intention that young and inexperienced souls should at first take it literally.

It has been said that the Will of God is known within. What a long time it seems to have taken for humankind to realise that this is an indication that the will of God is known to us because God is as much part of us as we are of God. Saying this is easily done, but where is God? From the first moment of a human being’s appearance on the Earth plane a spark of the Divine dwells in its heart, although at first only in seed form. Each one of us, without exception, is the Great Father/Mother’s child of the Earth and a young God in the making. One cannot help marvelling at what a long way our race must have come on its evolutionary pathway.

How truly blessed we are to be among the awakened ones at this very special time! And it’s good to know that our intuition = the inner teacher and guide, is the living God within. Its task it is to keep us safe by steering us through the rapids of our earthly existence with the help of Its wisdom. With the passing of time we learn to rely on this guidance. We ever more willingly follow its advice, which rises through the world of our feelings from the innermost core of our being into our conscious awareness.

Knowing that God is no outside force but an integral part of our own nature, there no longer is the need for anyone to run around endlessly and in decreasing circles, like chickens with their heads chopped off, ostentatiously ‘doing good’. The more highly evolved, spiritually open and aware we become and bring forth our true Christ nature, the more powerfully a deep inner desire simply to be a good person can be felt. The recognition that every life, including ours, has a special meaning and fulfils a higher purpose, makes us kinder and more loving, respectful, tolerant and considerate towards the needs of those around us, whilst not overlooking our own.

Being aware that everybody has everything within, the very worst as well as the best, makes it easy to look for and find the good in all people and situations. And whenever the need for it arises, we freely and willingly choose the way less travelled and ignore the easy options, for the simple reason that our inner guru tells us that this route is the right one for us. Appreciating that God’s Kingdom can only establish itself on the Earth plane when ever more of us do their share of making our planet a better place for all its inhabitants, we roll up our sleeves – metaphorically speaking – and get to work. This starts with bringing our own inner house in order and sweeping in front of our own door. Any contribution, no matter how small, does make a difference. In due course our joint efforts will take all of God’s children of the Earth back into the conscious awareness of their true nature and the duties and responsibilities that are involved.

The inner teacher is the only authority in the whole of Creation that can show us what is good and right, beautiful and true for us at any given moment. With the passing of time we learn to trust it and gladly pay attention to what it has to say. Supported by our inner guidance we unflinchingly take positive actions that are based on our natural inclinations and follow not only our own highest dreams, ideals and inspirations, but those of the whole of humankind. This is our personal guru’s way of showing us how to fulfil our highest potential. In this way eventually every human being’s Highest or God Self will assist its earthly counterpart to manifest its the characteristics of their Christ nature in earthly life.

That’s the only way Christ will ever be born in Bethlehem. The town represents a symbolism for the collective heart and soul of all humankind and every individual one within it. Each time another human being makes their Christ nature a reality in Earth life, one more of is doing their share of bringing God’s kingdom down the Earth and assists our race’s homecoming into the oneness with God and all life. Every conscious effort one of us makes at being good, not out of fear of retribution or hoping for some kind of recompense, but simply because we feel an urgent need to express our higher nature in all our endeavours.

On the inner level all life is one and even the smallest effort of expressing our Christ nature is worthwhile, because everything that is done for one is done for all. Therefore, when we are healing all life is recovering with us. And each time one of us progresses on their evolutionary homeward bound journey, our whole race and even our planet and everything it holds in its loving embrace moves forwards and upwards with us.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Great Plan Of Life Unfolds’

Six pointed Star

The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files Philosophy’.
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‘The Astro Files Philosophy’

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