Thou Shalt Not Kill

Rays of Wisdom - Our World In Transition - Thou Shalt Not KillIn my view, it does not make any difference whether a man by the name of Jesus ever walked the Earth or not. God’s truth, contained in the Jesus tale since it first came into being, is that we too are half human and half God just like the person portrayed in this story. The figure of the Master was given to us as a metaphor for the aspect of our own inner Christ nature. All of us, without exception, possess this part. For a very long time it slumbers in the deepest innermost recesses of our being, ready do awaken and come fully alive when the small earthly self has reached the right evolutionary level.

Jesus represents our Highest, God or Christ Self. This is the only one in the whole of Creation who can save us in the end. Our small earthly self is its counterpart and our Highest Self alone is capable of showing us how we ourselves can make good and redeem every one of our sins. The highest duty that has to be met by every earthling in the fullness of time is to create inner and outer peace and harmony between the different aspects of their own nature. This is our contribution towards restoring the balance of our world in thoughts, words and actions.

The purpose of every new religion that came into being was to provide humankind a different pathway and a temporary walking aid up the spiritual mountain, no more and no less. The esoteric meaning behind all their teachings invariably contained two hidden messages, the first one tells us that every one of us is one of God’s children of the Earth. The second one is that in the course of many incarnations on our present level of existence, we are in this life to enable us to evolve from being mere earthlings, who are totally unaware of their true nature into the conscious awareness of their Divine origin and inheritance.

The coming of Christianity brought us the Jesus legend and the message that our Creator is a God of love and light. This brought us demands like ‘Love one another! And love thy neighbour as you love thyself!’ Because the three Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam evolved from the same roots and each other, contain the Old Testament with its command: ‘Thou shalt not kill!’ The Hebrew Bible contains numerous prohibitions against unlawful killing, but also allows for justified killing in the context of warfare, capital punishment, and self-defence. With great gusto this was carried forward into the other two religions and the warmongering continued unhindered and growing ever more cruel and devastating. 

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are part of the religions of the patriarchy. The words of their sacred texts were written by men for men and specifically aimed at the suppression of the wisdom and truth of the feminine. In its time this was right for teaching our race what the over-development of the masculine at the expense and exclusion of the feminine would lead to. Everywhere in our world the results are clearly visible.

One look at our history shows how each new religion that came into being provided a Heaven-sent excuse and ever fresh opportunities for the patriarchal belief systems to go to war against each other. Preaching love and peace and making hatred and war. The priests on both sides of the conflict blessing the weapons and praying for the victory of their side. None of the patriarchal religions ever stopped its most devout followers of all nations to go to war, to kill and maim – supposedly with God’s blessings. How much more hypocritical can anyone be?

While in one part of our world astronomical sums are annually spent on weapons to destroy each other that are becoming ever more sophisticated and destructive, in other countries millions of our siblings in the human family of life have no clean water to drink, food to eat and are starving. A world out of balance created by the patriarchy in pursuit of power and glory. The task of all healers and lightbringers is to each do our best to remedy this situation by allowing the feminine to have its say in the running of our world, whenever a possibility for it arises. Instead of following in the footsteps of the masculine, women are required to take action that is in keeping with their softer and more caring feminine nature.

This does not mean a return to the matriarchy of past ages, which was as unbalanced as the patriarchy is in many parts of our world to this day.  Having been through both, we are ready the new experience of the feminine and masculine, in both genders, working together as equal partners. It is no longer a situation of men against women and women against men, but both of them working together as equal partners. When each is in possession and command of every aspect of their nature, therefore whole and holy, and therefore seeking to labour hand in hand with God and the Angels, true and lasting peace will come to our world much more quickly and easily than we can imagine now.

In this our new world everybody will be giving of their best and co-operating in peace and harmony with each other for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. It cannot be achieved by women who behave like men and act the part of the warmonger in pursuit of fame and glory, power and the amassing of ever more material wealth at the expense of spiritual gain and growth. To tone down their male aggressiveness and arrogance, wise men tune into the caring and nurturing aspect of their own inner woman and bring it into play. Wise women use their masculine side for stepping forward and claiming their birthright to bring their love and wisdom to their role as equal partners of the masculine into the running of our world. In all of us the ‘I am God’s gift to the world’ syndrome can easily be overcome by adding ‘So is everybody else’. 

Now that ever more of us are becoming aware that nobody is all woman or man, the final goal of a balanced and healed world that is enjoying a true and lasting peace is moving into our reach. A world where the material and spiritual aspects co-operate, one supporting and complementing the other, instead of struggling against each other. Humankind was created so this could be achieved in the days when our wrestling with physicality and its demands are finally over and done with. This can only be achieved through the realisation of our own Divinity. For the awakened ones God needs to become an inner reality and an aspect of their own nature.

Through our inner and outer behaviour we have to prove to the wise ones in charge of us that we are evolving into ever more God-like beings, who instead of thinking of God as a man and an outer manifestation that in truth only ever existed in the form of a myth. We now realise that Jesus is a metaphor that stands for the God side of everybody’s own nature, which is love. Only when we respect and honour this aspect of ourselves as well as of everyone else, are we true to it.

In this manner each one of us has their contribution to make towards taking all of us, together and individually, step by step higher up the slope of the spiritual mountain, until even the last one of us is once more fully and consciously aware of God’s true nature and their own. Love is the only key that can unlock the gates of Heaven for any of us, because love is the law of life that opens the inner doors to genuine, everlasting and continuing spiritual growth. On this plane of life it is one of the easiest things to talk about love and to say: ‘Love one another’. Acting upon it, however, is something very different. In the end it expresses itself quite naturally as friendliness and tolerance. When finally our whole being has evolved into one loving entity, acting with kindness and consideration, compassion and love to all we meet happens quite naturally.

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This article is a chapter from ‘Our World In Transition'
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‘Our World In Transition’

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