The Natural World

The Miracle And Wonder Of God's Creation

Part A

Rays of Wisdom - Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing - The Miracle And Wonder Of God's Creation - The Natural WorldThe previous chapters have shown us how the miracle and wonder of God’s Creation can reveal itself to those whose inner eyes have opened in many different ways and on levels of our existence. It does this as much in the magnificence and splendour of a rainbow over one of Iceland’s mountains as in the beauty of a tiny Kingfisher, maybe when it is perched on a branch, watching with great intensity the happenings below and then like an arrow released from a bow goes after a fish or an insect.

Just as easily it can be observed in the insect world, for example in the precious jewels of a butterfly or the ladybird with its shining coat that makes it look like a tiny tank. In the German speaking world this creature is called  ‘der Marienkäfer’, after the Virgin Mary. It is considered to be a bringer of good fortune and its English name too shows that it enjoys the special protection of the Great Mother, the Lady of the whole of Creation. Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of her symbols.

We and everything else that is in our world are just as much part of the wonders of the created world. Just take a good look at our physical bodies and see what miracles of construction they are. When our inner eyes open, we begin to perceive the marvel we ourselves are and everything around us as well. That’s when, for us at least, the time has come no longer to take anything for granted, but to be thankful for everything that is in our lives because we now recognise every bit of it as the blessing and gift they truly are.

God’s creative genius can also be admired in the speed and efficiency with which modern technology, even by snail mail, carries a letter from – say – Europe to New Zealand in just two days and, even more astounding, by e-mail gets the same message to its destination within split-seconds? And what about all the other mundane technological miracles like fridges, cookers and washing machines, which we by now almost take for granted? We can turn taps and water comes out. We flick a switch and there is light. During other lifetimes, we did not have any of that. Could it be our familiarity with these things that has made us so blasé about them that we forget to give thanks and praise for them? If that’s what we do, aren’t we in constant danger of over-looking that they could suddenly be taken from us, the same as everything else in our present existence? And how we would miss them, if they did!

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘The Internet Prayer’

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The above is a chapter from ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’.
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘Astrology As A Lifehelp In Relationship Healing’

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