The Elements
The Fire and Air signs are positive, masculine and outgoing in expression and their perception of life. They represent our individuality as opposed to the Earth and Water signs, who are female, receptive and represent the personality side of our nature.
1) Fire = positive, energetic, assertive, enthusiastic, aggressive and creative, seeking to show leadership in some way. Aries (the originator), Leo (the organiser) and Sagittarius (the executive) are the Fire signs and their keynote is inspiration. Fire represents the spiritual side of our nature. It is the joy of living which is abundant in the nature of those born with planets in the Fire signs. They are forceful, ardent and likely to be highly impulsive, frequently too much so. Too many planets in Fire signs can be altogether too much of a good thing. If you find this within you, you could often act in foolhardy ways and will benefit greatly from taking charge of your natural tendency of foolishly rushing in where Angels fear to tread.
Fire feels that Water will extinguish it and that Earth will smother it, but that Air will fan its flames. Fire and Air are compatible, so are Water and Earth. The others can have problems relating to each other.
2) Air= intellectual, communicative and mentally active. The thinking signs who also have a lot to do with social inter-relationships. The Air signs are the knowledge gatherers who mainly work through their intellect and intuition. Their keynote is aspiration. Gemini (the friendly one), Libra (the diplomat) and Aquarius (the individualist) are the Air signs. By the way, do not be misled by the glyph for Aquarius, the Waterbearer. It is not Water he bears but knowledge which he pours indiscriminatingly unto the consciousness of our world. The planet Uranus, who rules humankind’s intuitive faculties, is a symbol for this aspect of our Creator. Too many planets in Air signs indicates a personality that would benefit from building some Earth into their character makeup. This will help them to successfully ground their many ideas on the Earth plane.
Air hates to be confined in underground caverns (Earth) and does not like to have its freedom saturated and drowned by water. It enjoys the leaping response of Fire.
3) Water = sensitive, emotional, psychic, unstable, reflective, responsive and fertile. Concerned with feelings, dealing with sensitivity and the deeper and hidden psychic aspects of life. The keyword for Water is emotion, for Water has to do with our emotional vehicle contained within the physical body. Cancer (the insistent), Scorpio (the passionate) and Pisces (the compassionate) are the Water signs. Those with too many planets in Water signs benefit greatly when they manage to get away from the emotional onto the level of their soul. This makes life more agreeable for all concerned, as it is through the emotions that we suffer most on the Earth plane.
Water feels that Fire will make it boil and that Air will make it evaporate, but that Earth will contain it.
4) Earth = cautious, practical, restrained and stable. Is concerned with the physical plane and has to do with purely material affairs. The Earth signs are the practical and stolid ones and represent the earthly field in which our personality is firmly planted and needs to lift itself away from in time. The keynote for the Earth signs is practicality. Taurus (the concentrator), Virgo (the discriminator) and Capricorn (the practical idealist) are the Earth signs. The person with too many planets in Earth signs may encounter considerable difficulties trying to achieve their hopes and dreams off the ground.
Earth feels that Air will dry it out, that Fire will parch it and that Water refreshes and renews it.
The essence of a White Eagle Thought for October 2015: ‘Earth life has four elements, Earth and Water, Fire and Air. The element Air contains another one, an ether that is finer than the air you breathe, which can be registered. This is impossible with the finer ether. Something similar applies to the other elements Earth, Water and Fire. Behind the physical substance of everything that exists in earthly life is a finer material and from the ether in the Air element the nature spirits are created. Theirs is the etheric world and that is where they are at work. Interpenetrating all physical elements are finer ones that cannot be perceived by ordinary human senses in earthly life, only by those who have developed what is known in your world as the sixth or psychic sense or intuition.’
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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’.
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‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’