Today Is A Good Day For:
Monday is under the rulership of the Moon and Cancer. A good day for staying at home and attending to domestic duties. That’s no doubt why traditionally washday was on Mondays.
Tuesday is under the rulership of Mars, the Roman God of War, and Aries. A good day for creative endeavours and encounters that require an abundance of creative ideas, courage, strength and assertiveness.
Wednesday is under the rulership of Mercury, the winged messenger of the Gods who stole their creative fire, their ideas, to bring them down to Earth plane to help humankind. Ruler of Gemini and therefore a good day for all kinds of communications and creative endeavours, especially writing, short journeys. A good day for taking exams and doing some neighbouring, but bearing in mind that whatever we send out into the world unerringly finds its way back to us, be careful not to get involved in tittle-tattle and gossiping – one of Gemini’s most loved pastimes.
Thursday is under the rulership of Jupiter, the expansive and benevolent ruler of Sagittarius, the sign of humankind’s superconscious faculties. A good day for higher and highest education, long distance travelling and explorations on the earthly plane as well as into the realms of the religions and philosophies of our world.
Friday is under the rulership of Venus, the planet of peace, balance and harmony, ruler of Taurus and Venus. A good day for nurturing and enjoying all relationships, especially human ones and for making peace and healing them, whenever this is called for. In Germany Friday is traditionally considered to be the most propitious day for getting married. Among many other things earthy Taurus loves good food and wines of the finest, beautiful clothes, singing and dancing. Libra is the sign of balance, relationships, partnerships and marriage. Friday is the ideal day for enjoying the best of both signs. What better way could there be for enjoying them than in a wedding feast?
Saturday is under the rulership of Saturn, the stern und undeviating schoolmaster of the zodiac. Ruler of Capricorn, the sign of high achievements, which have to be worked for very hard. A day for putting all our strength into getting a step nearer to grounding our highest hopes and dreams, so they will eventually become a reality on the Earth plane. Knowing that Saturn eventually turns from the teacher into the rewarder and is then by no means stingy makes all toiling enjoyable, for as long as we do our best, the Universe will do the rest and the recompense may come in surprising ways and can be considerable.
Sunday is under the rulership of the Sun, giver and sustainer of all life and the most creative force in the whole of Creation. All creative endeavours will go well on this day, the least suitable one, in my view, for a Sabbath with resting and taking things easy. I have always found that most people find Sundays so boring that they simply have to do something, if only going shopping. Today’s energies no doubt are the reason. A good day for socialising and enjoying the company of children, doing childish things and together with them being a child once more.
The concept of Sabbath reached us through the ancient and long outdated Creation legends of the Old Testament, which the Abrahamic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam have in common. Genesis 2:2-3 tells us: ‘By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.’ Sabbath means rest and to do so implies that one has laboured. Exodus 20:10 follows Genesis quite logically with: ‘The seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God.’ My research has shown that although, according to the Old Testament God decreed that the last day of the week should be a day of rest for Himself, this clearly does not apply to us, otherwise the Universe would make different energies available to us on this day.
Every day is a good one for discovering what truly wonderful and amazing beings we, as immortal spirits in a material world, are. Unique and precious, many-faceted jewels each one of us, we glitter like tiny diamonds in the great web of life in which the rays of the great Sun of life lovingly reflects themselves. Loved and treasured beyond compare by our true and eternal parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, we thank You for the gift of our lives and everything that ever was, now is and forever will be in them. All glory and honour and prise be to You for guiding us safely through the trials and tribulations of our earthly education, for patiently showing us the way back into the conscious awareness of our true nature and our oneness with You and all life, and for sharing ever more of Your wisdom and truth with us to light our way. Amen
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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’.
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‘The Astro Files – Technical Aspects’