Pluto In Sagittarius

Rays of Wisdom - Healers And Healing - Pluto In Sagittarius

Apart from observing the trends of how a particular planet influences all life on the Earth plane, I am not interested in using astrology for predicting the future, as to my mind that is nothing short of fortunetelling. However, equipped with the gift of hindsight, it is good to watch how life on the Earth unfolds and to see for ourselves how we and our world are steered and guided by the loving hands of the Highest. In this way it reveals Its presence to us quite clearly and gives us visible evidence of the fact that we and our world have always rested safely in Its loving embrace and forever will be taken care of. What more could anyone want?

Furthermore, astrology is unequalled as a lifehelp and a tool for getting to know ourselves and our predestined pathway, as it is written in the great book of life for our present lifetime. What lies beyond we shall see when we get there. The Divine science also provides us earthlings with a magnificent instrument for interpreting the Cosmic dance of the planets, as they move through space and time, guided by the loving hand of the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life.

Astrology allows us to study and take a more conscious part in the ever unfolding of the Great Plan of Life, lovingly designed, brought into being and steered by the will and the power of the Father and the love and wisdom of the Mother, His feminine counterpart. If there is anything in this world more sacred and holy than this, please tell me about it, so I too can take part in it and others with me.

I find it endlessly fascinating to watch how most people react to the energies and lessons of their Sun sign, ‘their stars’. This seems to express itself particularly strongly in those who know nothing about what is commonly known as ‘The Stars’. A striking example of this came my way when Pluto moved into Sagittarius in November 1995. I lived in the Republic of Ireland at that time and as soon as the Sun moved into Scorpio, Pluto’s own sign, a Renew program of the international Catholic Church organisation reached our small local diocese in the West of Ireland. By the way, I am not a Catholic. I am a free spirit and will forever be devoted to serving the wisdom of the Highest with all that I have and am. To paraphrase St. Francis of Assisi’s words: ‘O Great Mother of all life, make me a channel of Your peace, Your wisdom, love and truth.’  

Scorpio is the sign of transformations and regenerations, death, birth and re-birth. When the Sun is in Scorpio, all of nature goes through what looks like death, but only on the outer surface of life. In truth, this time is no more than a preparation for the rebirth that inevitably takes place each spring. Through Mother Earth we are shown that every death that takes place in her loving embrace, for all lifeforms, is but a transformation into a different life-state.

The planet Pluto is associated with major changes or developments that frequently come about through destruction and eventual rebirth. The sign Sagittarius is associated with religion, philosophy, the law, education, publishing, politics, faith, idealism and also long distance travelling. Some of the Pluto in Sagittarius periods of the past were dominated by significant religious/philosophical upheavals, explorations and renewals.

Apparently it was during times like these that the legend of Jesus as a public figure first appeared. Much later it led to the events that moved Martin Luther, 1483-1546, the German Catholic monk who became the father of the Protestant Reformation movement, to posting his theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenberg, Germany. This was Luther’s way of speaking up and rebelling against the greed, profiteering and corruption of the Catholic Church in Rome.

Over the ages, Pluto in Sagittarius also brought about many watershed moments in science and technology as well as the political thinking of our world. One of them was the development of the first modern printing machine, the Gutenberg Press. Through this it became possible, for the first time in humankind’s history, to print and distribute pamphlets in vast numbers that spread Luther’s ideas to all corners of the regions that were later to become Germany and beyond to the rest of Europe. Luther’s translation of the Bible into the colloquial German of its day was also published. For the first time ever ordinary mortals could read or hear – not many could read and write in those days – the words that were believed to be of God. In ‘Light And Darkness’ you can read more about this by clicking on the corresponding link at the end of this chapter.

Together with Mars, Pluto is the planetary ruler of Scorpio. Pluto was the God of the Underworld of the ancients and to this day the energies of this planet are responsible for transformations and regenerations, death, birth and rebirth. Sagittarius is  the sign of Higher Consciousness and higher education, including the vast realm of religions and philosophical beliefs, as well as faith, trust and hope. For us and our world Pluto’s move into Sagittarius heralded the renewal and rebirth of all matters related to these topics.

Pluto’s energies have a cleansing and purifying effect and with hindsight it is particularly interesting to observe how much this already has achieved in our world. For example, in the course of Pluto’s transit through Sagittarius ground-breaking books appeared like ‘The Jesus Mysteries’, first published in 1999. It was followed in 2001 by ‘Jesus and the Lost Goddess’. You can read more about these books by following the relevant link below.

As Pluto is the slowest moving planet of all, as well as the one that most profoundly affects us on the deepest, innermost levels, much more of the same nature can be expected, depending through which sign the planet moves. By now, Pluto is transiting Capricorn, Saturn’s own sign. You can read about the effects this is having in our world by following the matching link below.

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘Light And Darkness’
•     ‘Pluto In Capricorn’

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This article is a chapter from ‘Healers And Healing’.
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‘Healers And Healing’

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