Our World Did Not End, After All

Research by American scientist some time ago revealed that the calculations for the end of the Mayan Calendar in December 2012 were wrong. They came to the conclusion that the true date for this was 8th November 2003. On this day a lunar eclipse and a six-pointed star formation took place in the sky above us. The six-pointed star is a symbolism for the perfected human being, the Christed one, whose earthly and Divine parts are working harmoniously together as one.

As everybody knows by the time of writing this, March 2013, our world did not end as predicted in December 2012. In fact, as predicted by many, including me, nothing happened. Yet, provided the above mentioned American scientists did not make a mistake in their calculations, their date was a far more poignant one. Be that as it may, the only meaning of the end of any calendar is that a new cycle is beginning. Six-pointed star formations are unusual, though not quite as rare as some believe. One of them occurred at the end of March 1954 and another one around the time of the lunar eclipse on 8th November 2003, when the Sun and the eclipsed Moon formed two opposite points of a six-pointed star. The opposition aspect suggests balance, in this case between spirit, our heavenly self, whose astrological symbol is the Sun, and our earthly self and personality, represented by the Moon.

One of the most useful things about formations of this kind is that they are well balanced because they consist of a mixture of harmonious as well as difficult aspects. The three oppositions in such a star create tension, but the sextiles and trines ensure that its energies flow freely. As with all astrological influences, it depends on us individually and as a race how we respond to and make use of any unusual stellar influences. The best advice is always to pay attention to and follow the inner guidance of our Highest or God Self.

I believe that such outstanding celestial patterns are symbolic messages to all of us to do our best. Even if difficult circumstances arise, it is the healer’s task to strive to gain as much new understanding from them as possible. This alone can bring us the growth and enlightenment all human beings are on the Earth plane to seek. It is always best to put our hands to the plough, whilst keeping our vision fixed on the mark at the end of each new furrow the Universe presents. No matter what happens, any event is sure to create many opportunities for us and our world for moving forwards and upwards on our evolutionary path.

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This article is a chapter from ‘War And Peace Between Nations.
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‘War And Peace Between Nations’

Six pointed Star