The Potential Of All Sun Signs

Each Sun sign can bring magnificent gifts to souls born into it. But for a long time this is by potential only, not until the soul wakes up to its true nature and starts to become aware of the existence of these gifts can it learn to take advantage of them. One of Scorpios greatest assets is the development of considerable inner strength. But, at this very special time in the evolution of our race every soul must learn to tap into the rich reservoir of its inner world and bring forth, from there, its godlike qualities which include this strength. Each spirit and soul is a spark of the Divine and in seed form at least contains all the powers that are in God. They are waiting to be tapped into, to help us rise above our earthly nature and surrender its desires and passions to our Highest and God Self; an awe-inspiring prospect if ever there was one!

The only true power that exists in the whole of Creation is the power of God; re-establishing its inner connection with it is every soul’s inheritance and birthright. Humbly the soul needs to kneel before the Highest and pray that its whole being should be cleansed and purified, so that it may become worthy of being used as Its channels. Each soul potentially is capable of bringing its wisdom and knowledge into this world. This sheds light into the darkest corners of human existence and brings healing to alleviate the suffering of our whole world, not merely that of humankind. Every soul must learn to once again walk hand in hand with God and the Angels; they alone can show us how to bring forth the Divine qualities of compassion, love and respect for ourselves and others. Through us they want to heal the sick, comfort the bereaved and bring new understanding wherever a need for it exists. Souls who no longer seek power for themselves and their own selfish purposes can be used by The Power to bless and heal our world and all that is in it. Every soul needs to let its inner light shine brightly and to be taught by God and the Angels how to become truly powerful, dynamic, and majestic beings.

The Survival Instinct
It’s easy to cry that you’re beaten – and die;
It’s easy to crawfish and crawl;
But to fight and to fight, when hope’s out of sight –
Why, that’s the best game of all!
And though you come out of each gruelling bout
All broken and beaten and scarred,
Just have one more try – it’s dead easy to die.
It’s the keeping-on-living that’s hard.

From ‘The Quitter’
Robert W. Service

For as long as the earthly self struggles in the darkness of not even knowing why it is on the Earth, it can hardly help constantly feeling like one of life’s helpless victims. This it will remain until it becomes aware that the Universe is now laying into the hands of every soul the tools for taking an active part in their personal evolution and destiny, as well as that of the whole race. Our character determines our life and also our destiny. Both are every soul’s own responsibility and the onus is on each one of us to make the changes and do the work on ourselves which this awareness demands.

As you can see, knowledge can truly be powerful. This one empowers each one of us to take charge of the ship of our whole being. And it is helpful to know that we all contain the Scorpionic energies, its strength and willpower, waiting to be tapped into by each one. Under the guidance and protection of God and the Angels, we are in this life to develop and learn how to use them for the highest good of all. Once and for all, we can set ourselves free from pursuing what is commonly known as ‘power’ for personal gains.

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The above is a chapter from ‘The Astro Files – Introduction To The Sun Signs’ .
If it has whetted your appetite to read more, please follow the link below:

‘The Astro Files – Introduction To The Sun Signs’

Six pointed Star