Changing Perceptions

Rays Of Wisdom - Healing Corner For Parents And Children - A Celebration Of Mothers - Changing Perceptions

At various ages the child may say about its mother:

4 – My Mummy is a miracle! She can do anything and knows everything!
8 – My Mum knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 – She really doesn’t know quite everything.
14 – Naturally, Mother doesn’t know that, either.
16 – Mother? She’s hopelessly old fashioned.
18 – That old woman? She’s way out of date!
25 – Let’s ask Mum – she might know a little bit about this.
35 – Before I decide, I’ll get Mum’s opinion.
45 – I wonder what Mum would have thought about it?
65 – If only I could talk it over with Mum once more. Well, let’s meditate on it and ask the wisdom of the Great Mother in my heart to guide and help me.

A woman’s true beauty does not express itself in the clothes she wears, the figure she has or what hairstyle she chooses. It can only be seen in her eyes. They are the mirror or her soul, the doorway to her heart and the place where love dwells. Real beauty in women and men alike is eternal and comes from their soul; outer things like moles and warts cannot mar it. It expresses itself in the way they care for those around them and the love they apply to everything they do. That is the only kind of beauty that truly counts and lasts forever. The main purpose of every human being’s earthly existence is the discovery of this kind of beauty within themselves, so that through manifesting it in all their daily encounters it can increase with the passing of the years.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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‘Healing Corner For Parents And Children’

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