The One In The Glass

Rays Of Wisdom - Words Of Hope And Encouragement - The One In The Glass

When you get what you want in your struggle for self,
And you’re toast of the world for a day,
Instead of gazing into an ordinary mirror,
Go within and have a good honest look at yourself.

It isn’t our partners, children or friends,
On whose judgement we have to pass.
The one whose verdict counts most in the end,
Is the one responding from our inner glass.

Some folks may think us a ‘straight-shooting’ chum’
And call us a person of place,
But the inner higher self says we’re only a bum,
If we can’t look ourselves in the face.

We’re the one we have to please and not the rest.
We’re with ourselves, not only right up to the end,
But beyond. And we pass life’s most difficult test
When the inner one truly is our friend.

We may fool the whole world, down the pathway of years,
And get pats on the back, as we pass.
Yet, our final reward will be heartaches and tears,
If we’ve lied to the one in that glass.

Love and evolution are the two most important laws of life throughout the whole of Creation, therefore also in our world. Evolution that is based on love. The Great Father/Mother of all life loves every one of its earthly children totally and unconditionally, because it perceives only our wholeness and knows that we are constantly on an evolutionary journey. Without exception, our travels take us from experiencing the lowest characteristics of our earthly nature. From this starting point every one of us moves ever forwards and onwards, occupied with the process of bringing forth from deep within our own being, the best, highest and holiest qualities. That’s why our Divine parents have no need for judging us. Instead, they grant us the gift of freedom to draw our own conclusions about the state of our development, at any given time, and to sit in judgement over our performance at the end of each earthly lifetime.

And that’s why, when we once more have been released into the spirit realm, we remember that this is true eternal home of humankind. From it every one of us emerges at the beginning of a new lifetime and returns to as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled. As explained above, there never was and never will be such a thing as judgement day and we do not stand before God, but ourselves to account for what happened during our evolutionary journey thus far.

This is how it comes about that, after having rested sufficiently in the spirit realm to recover from the stresses of earthly life, together with the wise ones in charge of our development, we consult the Akashic Records. Every one of our thoughts, words and actions of all lifetime thus far have been recorded in these files. If, after viewing them, we come to the conclusion that we are unready for being released into permanently enjoying the greater freedom of the spirit realm, which is only possible when a physical body is no longer needed for getting around, it’s time once again to apply for another lifetime of taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

Recommended Reading:
•    ‘There Is No Judgement Day’

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The above is part of ‘Words Of Wisdom, Hope & Encouragement’.
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